71 | messages - ashton & stella

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hey ashton...

it's stella. i know you probably don't
want to talk to me but i just wanted
to make sure you're okay. i heard
about the break up with bryana.

oh my god, stella.

it's so good to hear from you.

of course i want to talk to you.

but yes, bryana and I did break up...

are you okay?:( also I'm so glad I
thought you would ignore my

i would never

and a little... I mean any break up is
hard but we both agreed it was for
the best. we've kinda fallen apart sense
you and michael.... yeah

oh my god

I can't believe my break up cause
this:((( i feel so bad

NO don't feel bad. that happening kinda
just showed her true colors. I'm not glad
you two broke up but that happening
made our relationship more apparent
that it wasn't working.

it's just a little sad:(

welllll to make you feel better, do you
want to hang out tmrw?:)

but if you still hate me it's cool.

I've never hated you. don't think I
ever could:)

and yasss let's do it!

yayyyy I'll pick you up tmrw and we'll
just wonder the town, sound good?

feels good:')

😂😂oh the puns

hehe well see you tmrw

Read 1:62 PM

*you changed 528-8269 name to "ashton🔅"*

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