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Addy Wilson

"Addy!" Ashton yelled. I squealed and ran towards him, jumping into his arms. His arms wrapped around me tightly and the tears fell from my eyes.

"I missed you so much..." I muttered into his shoulder. His hand rubbed my back as he pulled away.

"I'm so happy to have you back. No that I want to admit it but the house has been quiet without you," he grinned. I giggled as my dad brought in my bags. I looked back at my step brother and smiled. He's not changed one bit since I left.

"Addy..." I turned around and saw Anne, my step mother, stood in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Anne!" I smiled and wrapped my arms around her.

" was America?" She questioned.

"Amazing. But I'm so happy to be back home...I missed you all so much," I grinned, happily. My dad married Anne, Ashton's mother many years ago. Ashton was my step brother although it felt like he was just my brother and I loved him like a brother just like we argued like brother and sister. I had spent the whole summer with my actual mom back in America but now I had come home, ready for college.

"I'm going to go unpack," I smiled and carried some of my bags up to my room.

"I'll bring up the rest," Ashton smiled.

"Thanks asshole," I grinned and walked upstairs.

"Addy! You've been home 5 minutes, don't start arguing..." my dad yelled up to me. I chuckled and put my bags in my room. Wow. Everything was just as I left. My pictures were still on my wall, alongside my posters and fairy lights. I smiled and sat down on my bed. Ashton followed me in with my other bags and dropped them down.

"Ashton! Don't break anything...I have all my makeup in there!" I groaned. He rolled his eyes and laughed.

"And all of a sudden I forgot why I missed you..." he smirked. I hit him and shoved him out of my room, shutting the door in his face.

I spent the next few hours unpacking my things and organising myself. I had my music on almost full blast as I jumped around my room dancing and singing.

"Addy! Shut up!" I heard Ashton yell. I chuckled and my phone vibrated on the side.

Elena: are you home? Can I see you yet? ADDY TELL ME THAT YOU'RE BACK!!!

Me: I'm back!

I put down my phone as my door swung open. I looked up and saw Hannah. God, she got prettier every time I saw her. Hannah is Ashton's girlfriend and has been for a very long time. I just don't know how my idiot brother managed to get a girl like her.

"Hannah!" I grinned and hugged her.

"Hey, its good to have you back," she replied. I smiled and sat back down.

"So, your dad told me to bring you down because we're all having a family meal to celebrate that you're home..." she explained. I sighed and nodded. I followed her down and sat at the table opposite Ashton who sat beside Hannah.

Anne served us all the food and sat at the head of the table. She picked up her drink and smiled.

"This house hasn't been the same without you Addy. We have all missed you and it's so good to have you back," she smiled and clinked her glass with mine. I began to eat my food which I had missed Anne's cooking.

"Can we throw a party? To welcome Addy back? Like it could be at the beach and we can invite all of Addy's friends and my band can come too..." Ashton grinned. I raised my eyebrow at him and smirked.

"You're in a band?" I questioned.

"Yeah. Well a few weeks ago they asked me to be their drummer and I agreed. It's going pretty well," he smiled. I held back my giggles and nodded.

"Anyway, that sounds like a good idea. It'll be a great way for Addy to see all her friends again before college starts..." my dad interrupted. I nodded and grinned.

"Yeah, I'd love that," I smiled.


Hannah and I had gone shopping to help me pick out my outfit for my party and as I stared in the mirror, I'd never seen a more perfect dress for me. It really did my figure some justice. The way it slightly showed off some cleavage and was tight around my hips but flowed out around my legs. It finished mid thigh and I wore black tights and heels.

My hair was curled and my makeup was more fancy than normal as Hannah did it for me. I was ready to go.

I walked downstairs, slowly, being careful not to fall in my heals and I could already hear Ashton waiting in the hallway.

Everyone's eyes were on me. They watched me come down the stairs and I could feel the heat in my cheeks as I smiled slightly.

"You look great sweetie..." Anne grinned and hugged me. My dad smiled and complimented me as I turned to Ashton.

"Lets go..." he said and simply turned away.

"Ashton. Tell your sister how nice she looks," Anne groaned at him. I sighed and didn't even look at me.

"Yeah, yeah, she looks great. Come on..." he mumbled and walked out the door. I followed and got into his car. Ashton pulled away and I could tell that he was in a mood about something.

"Are you and Hannah okay?" I questioned, thinking that may be the reason he's upset.

"Fine," he muttered. I sighed and looked at him.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing," he replied. God, I wanted to punch him.

"Well why you being moody?"

He sighed, "because you look like that, Addy! I can't believe you're going out like that."

My jaw dropped and I looked at him.


"You look amazing Addy. I don't want guys all over you! Okay? I'd rather you came out in your sweatpants and no makeup!" He groaned. I laughed and hit him lightly.

"You're so protective! I'm growing up Ashton, you have to allow that," he sighed and shook his head.

"I'll never allow that..." he replied. I giggled and got out the car as he parked up. I could already see the beach was full of my friends which made me so happy. I walked down into the beach and pushed my hair behind my shoulders.

"Welcome back Addy!" They all yelled in unison. I giggled and thanked everyone for coming. I was ready to party. I got myself a drink and sat around the fire.

"Addy! Addy! Addy!" Elena yelled running down the beach. I stood up and ran straight to her, throwing my drink into the sand.

I ran into her arms and grinned. Elena has been my best friend since the start of high school. I giggled and pulled away.

"I missed you so much," I smiled.

"I missed you too..." she giggled. We walked back up to the beach and Ashton came over to me.

"Addy. I'd like you to meet my band..." he smirked and turned to the three guys behind him. Oh shit.


Hey. Long time no writing lolll. I'm back. Please vote and comment. Love hearing your opinions and stuff. Lots of love to you xox

Protective || Calum HoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora