She went and grabbed her laptop from a bag. The moment she clicked on DJ's name in the facetime application, it didn't take long for him to pick up.

Once the screen cut in, DJ's very tanned, young teenager, handsome face took up most of it. He was grinning ear to ear before calling out to some guys, "Finn, Matt! It's Ems hurry the hell up!" of course he'd grab ahold of the two guys who lived with them last year. They were all the closest.

"Ems!!" seeing Finn, the blonde and Matt, another brunette who always had more muscle.. brought a smile to her face.

"Oh wow I feel like it's been too long."

"When are you guys coming to Boston? Cause I'm pretty sure Logan went and got us all tickets..."

"Isn't it in like January? We better be able to go that dumbass better have checked out schedule."

Emerson watched the boys start to stumble around looking for their own phones, and call up to the boys who lived in the house now. It was heartwarming to see familiar faces once again, but it made her miss that team more than anything. Their antics didn't take long to start up again, the curse words, throwing of lacrosse balls and just flat out arguments were all taking place on the screen.

She continued to just sit back and engage with DJ in small talk, while enjoying the entertainment taking place in the back.

"Cooper seems to be enjoying the AHL right now. I know he misses us."

"Yeah we've talked a little. I think it's just hard for us right now, but it'll work out." Emerson cringed as Finn took a dive over the kitchen counter trying to do who knows what. Those boys couldn't hold themselves still if their lives were bet on it.

"Hopefully we all make it to the nhl one day, and end up on the same team. Could you imagine that? Obviously it's unrealistic but we can dream."

"I think I would just retire than get stuck with you boys again!" Emerson joked. Anyone who knew her well, would know she'd die to have a chance to re-live senior year at Boston College. For awhile she was scared that the best years were behind her, but lately things were shaping up to prove her wrong.

"Yah know..." DJ sighed as he readjusted himself on the all too familiar black leather couches that she could clearly see on the screen, "It's not the same without you here. Without Cooper and even Pete. Our late nights aren't as late anymore and the team just seems to be missing something."

"Ah! Don't make me sad.. I'm just starting to liven up jeez."

"Sorry sorry but.. let's all make it back together quickly, ok!?"

"That sounds like a good plan. I'm gonna get going, but let's talk soon. Make sure to tell everyone I say hi."

"Yeah I will." Emerson took a few more seconds to take in the surroundings she was looking at through the screen. She missed that house. Missed watching college boys have to outdo eachotber on a daily basis because they haven't had to grow up yet.

Once she clicked the end button and the screen went blank, her heart felt like it was suddenly filled with emptiness. A huge part was missing once again, a part she rarely liked to think about and this only forced her to. It was such a quick call, so much quicker than she would have liked, but it had to be that way. A lot of times people say not to hold onto the past and that it can hurt. Emerson was just trying to do that since she could abide by it actually working. Of course she wasn't letting go of any of those friendships, just right now she couldn't focus on them.

Emerson decided that she finally wanted to look at the highlights of last night's game. Seeing herself in goal on the nhl network was almost unbelievable. And seeing how natural she looked defending from the pucks felt great. Something else that actually made her happy, was the fact you really couldn't tell she was a girl. Yes her braids were visible, but she doubted anyone was focused on that in the middle of a game. Emerson wanted it to at least look like she was fitting, and she seemed to be doing a good job of it.

As she replayed certain saves she had, she also went and scrolled through the upcoming schedule. It was almost perfectly timed when a certain text came in from a 'Senator'..

"Loved getting to watch you play! Can't wait till our first game against each other." -Bryce

Her best friend and former teammate had been playing with the Ottawa Senators for going onto his third year now. She loved always seeing him on TV, and now it was crazy that they'd both be doing it. December 5th they'd be playing together for the first time since high school- but not as teammates.

Goalie // Sidney CrosbyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant