I'm With Him Now - Hales

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Prompt - reader was Derek's girlfriend but months after they split she falls for Peter and Derek gets jealous, and wants her back

Pairing - Derek x reader (past) Peter x Reader (present)

Warnings - swearing, jealousy
Story -

Sat reading a message Stiles had sent, begging you to come to the hale loft, the was a pack meeting and they needed you. "why don't you want to go today" peter questioned looking over to the text, knowing I'd been avoiding meetings lately. I rolled my eyes at him snuggling more into him. "is it because you think your going to see him there? I hear he's back in town" he continued teasing voice as he lightly ran his nose up your shoulder and neck. ignoring his question giggling at his touch "why would I go when I can stay here with you" you say sounding flirty. peter gave you a small kiss on the nose "because they will start to ask what's wrong and come looking for you" he said smoothly. "and you don't what them finding out our little secret now" he said kissing your neck making you move so he had more access.

Peter was the only person you could be yourself with. he always knew what to say when you was feeling down or angry, he also knew when words wasn't needed and hold you until you felt better again. about a month ago you and Peter started dating in secret, you wanted to wait before telling the rest of the pack, Peter wasn't the pacts favorite person and you know they would ask questions over why your going out with him and try and talk you out of it, also they would say it's strange because of Derek being peters nephew, peter agreed with you but personally you thought peter wanted to speak to Derek first before Scott or stiles told him, although he never said it. you and Derek was together for 2 years before splitting up 8 months ago after Derek cheated on you.

After the break up with Derek, you and Peter had become a closer friends, until one night last month having a drinks watching a movie you both had a play argument over who's turn it was to get up and get the refill's and snacks. Poking and tickling each other you leaned in and kissed him, which lead to more, both of you believed was long overdue. At first it was awkward nether if you expected it to happen, wanted it to but didn't expect it would, after a few days you both admitted you enjoyed it and wanted more.

Peter held your face looking you in the eyes keeping a straight face "they are your friends y/n, and I'm not going to let you use me or Derek as an excuse not to see them" his lips cornered into a smile "now go get dressed, go see what trouble beacon hills is in today" pouting with a hint of a smile you get up to get dressed, Peter always had a way of talking you into something you didn't want to do.

Looking up at the loft you felt your heart sink, you hadn't been to the loft since ending your relationship with green eyed wolf. Whenever you saw the pack it was at Scott's or stiles home even that was rarely. Getting to the loft door you took another deep breath, Thinking of the last time you walked through the big steel door "der, I got" you stopped talking when you saw Derek in the arms of Jennifer Blake kissing each other as he removed her top. Shaking the memory out your head you pulled the door open wide, Stiles was stood at the table almost surprised to see you standing there. "what's so important you called me here?" you say with venom in your voice to being dragged to Derek's. "erm.. well er" stiles fumbled thinking of an answer for you. "were still waiting for Scott" he covered. A few minuets later Scott came in battered and cut you run sitting him down, "what happened to you" you cried as his wounds slowly started to heal. "we was coming back here when we got attacked" he said still a little sore "wait! why are you here?" Scott asked confused to my presence, my head snapped to stiles. "I'd like to know what she's doing here as well" a voice boomed behind you.

Derek entered the loft looking as battered as Scott, his shirt ripped reveling his toned muscled torso his gaze fixated on you, making you blush and feel nervous all at the same time. looking back at stiles he started rubbing the back of his head "well you don't come to see us anymore y/n so I thought if you and Derek talked and made up, you would be part of the pack again" he said nervously. You started to feel angry stiles had set you up, making you face Derek after he had done. "I was always part of the pack Stiles I didn't need Derek to make that happen" you say. Lydia was the one to change the subject "so what happened to you two?" she asked pointed to Derek and Scott. "alphas the have Boyd and Erica, we got Issac he's in the hospital with my mum" Scott said.

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