OW Tournament Battle 1 Part 1: Shaya vs Ianthe

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Groaningas she woke up, Shaya rubbed her tired eyes as she swung her legs offthe edge of the bed. The cold chill of the stone floor shivered upher feet. Her head pounded like a bass drum while she struggled tofocus. What had woken her? Why was she up in the middle of the day?But no sooner had the thoughts begun to process through her wearymind that she heard the incessant crying of one her pups.

Sincethe twins had arrived, she had gotten very little sleep. Which ofcourse was to be expected, they were babies after all. But as Vaewolfpups, they required more than just milk from her. Like their father,they required blood to grow strong. So Shaya had to keep her strengthup, not only to feed her mate who required her blood to liveeternally but also her pups.

Sincethe pups arrived, they had been moved into a larger dorm room toaccommodate their growing family with an adjoining room like beforefor Rayven. Though currently he spent most of his time in their room,watching over his mother and new siblings. He, himself, stillrecovering from the labor. As her familiar, her poor son had enduredevery back wrenching, bone cracking, and insides splitting spasm ofpain. And his pain only ended when Shaya's ended. Though his recoverywas coming along slower than hers.

Asa vampire, her injuries and pain fled very quick, and now it was justfatigue she had to endure.

Butfor Rayven, only a werewolf, was healing like any female of his kindwould after delivery.

Pushingup from the bed, careful not to step on Rayven who slept on the floorright by her side, Shaya padded towards a large wooden crib at theother end of the room. From within the crying could be heard asShaya got closer. She smiled though it hurt to do so, her headcontinuing to pound.

Runningher hands over the rail of the crib, marveling at the beautifulengravings along the opposite wall of it. She smiled at the intricateetchings of a wolf pack running through snow. And laughed to herselfas she recognized each wolf. The largest wolf at the head of the packwas Cain in all his glory, then Noir and Squeaks, and lastly Zoraduring the Winter Run. But added into the scene was Rayven, and twotiny pups which were Jasper and Kelsey.

"ProfessorJasper, you really have a lot of attention to detail on this," shemarveled at the workmanship the Djinn had with his magic. This was agift he gave his namesakes, though he acted like it was nothing. Andmaybe to him it was, but for Shaya and her new family it meant theworld.

Snappedfrom her thoughts by the constant screams, Shaya looked within thedepths of the crib and noticed Jasper, her black haired sonabsolutely beside himself. His tiny fists shook while he cried, hislittle face scrunched up in his efforts to get her attention.

"Now,now, mister," she shook her head, reaching in and cradling his headand body. Then pulling him up close against her chest, she watchedhis sister who slept peacefully. "Now, now, Jasper, I'm starting tothink you like having momma all to yourself."

Histiny black ears flicked while he began suckling, searching for whathe sought. "Come one, mister, let's sit down and then I'll feedyou."

Pattinghis back and moving through the room, she went to an ancient oak deskbeside the only window there. Waving her free hand and reciting anincantation within her mind, the chair moved away from the desk underits own power. Then sitting down in the antique high backed, wingedarm chair, she waved her hand again with the same silent uttering ofthe incantation as another chair came to her.

Liftingher feet up onto the second chair, she settled back while lifting upher shirt. And without much effort, Jasper whimpered, latching ontowhat he sought most.

Quicklyhe settled down. His tiny nub of a tail wagging contently while histiny claws kneaded her.

Shelaughed at how adorable her son was while she reached up, gentlystroking her finger from his soft brow along the curve of his roundface. They were both so precious and small.

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