Chapter 9

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"Down there" I say pointing to the metal house. We land in front of the of the building. "Inside quickly" I say rushing inside. This place in camouflaged by hex bags. We must turns taking watch.



I walk out of the building and grab the small knife from my belt I make a cut on my arm and draw a symbol in blood on the wall. The wound heals quickly so I take the demon blade and make a cut in the same place. This won't heal.

I run back inside and slam the door shut. Everyone relax. I see jake on his phone. We're in the woods in this stupid cabin. When I see that text sent a loud banging comes from the outside. The door busts open. "You can't get in" I say pointing to the symbol. He look at me "fuck". "Come on out" he says and I can't stop my self from going outside.

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