Chapter 8

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"What happened to you, you look different" Jake says with a puzzled look. "What do you mean". "Your hair your cloths what happened." I look down I'm in a black and white suit. I take the blade from my belt and look at my reflection. Black hair with white streaks in it. What did happen to me.

"D-Dad your eyes what's wrong with them" he says getting scared. I take another glance at the reflection green and black snake eyes. *sniff* "In coming" I yell pushing everyone out of the way. Alex, Satan's right hand man, drops from the sky.



Mike leans down and whispers in my ear look in his eyes and say freeze.

I look up and snap my fingers at him "down here". He looks at me "freeze". His entire body is encased in a block of eyes.



I look him in the eyes "break". I listen to the sounds of his bones breaking. The ice breaks and he screams in pain. "To the sky now" I say. "The want Jake he is more powerful than all of us combined. And they can't have him". I say as we all take to the sky

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