Chapter 83

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"You did this to me..." the girl faintly whispered directly at me, her eerie voice causing chills to just cascade down my spine.

I didn't even have time to blink when she abruptly vanished in less than a second, it was almost as if she hadn't been there at all too, as if I had imagined the whole thing, and for once I was actually scared to look at my own reflection.

The bathrooms lights suddenly began to wildly flicker and I froze on the spot with my heart uncontrollably beating.

When the flickering had halted, I let out a shaky gasp, absolutely terrified to death, and it felt like someone was watching me, like there was another presence in the room...

I then impulsively dashed out of the bathroom while dropping my bag of candy on accident in the process, and pure fear was the only thing that I could feel at the moment.

Apparently I was running so fast that I had bumped into Sasuke and I almost screamed, but I let out an another shaky gasp instead, indicating my intense fear.

I didn't know why, but I just desperately clung onto his green vest while looking down, and I tried fighting the fear that was relentlessly eating away at my soul from within.

Sasuke seemed to be somewhat alarmed by my behavior at first, but he remained calm, and wrapped his strong arms around my back, pulling me close to him.

"Sakura. What's wrong?" he demanded quietly.

I could see Naruto innocently peeking his head over Sasuke's shoulder from the corner of my eye. "Sakura? You okay?"

I remained unresponsive.

My whole body was shaking.

It felt like fear was dominating my thoughts, my senses, and just everything.

It's sad, but I was immensely shaken.

Just... Just what was that...?

Was that little girl really there?

The same little girl from all of those years ago?

Am I just crazy or did I really just imagine that?

Is someone trying to use a Genjutsu on me or something?

Oh gosh. I don't know.


. . .

Tears wanted to leave my eyes, but I didn't let them, and I tried to stay strong while my boyfriend continued to hold me in his arms.

"Sakura. What's wrong?" Sasuke repeated, his voice more firmer this time.

"G-Guys... Did the lights flicker on and off for you just now...?" I asked nervously and bit my lip while avoiding their gazes by still looking down, major anxiety now settling in my stomach.

"Yeah, a little. Why?" Sasuke sternly inquired, his voice calm but full of suspicion, and he held me a little tighter, a little more protectively.

"O-Oh... U-Um... I-I..." I pathetically stuttered, not really knowing what to say.

"...Did you get scared or something, Sakura-chan?" Naruto curiously guessed.

I slowly nodded and my heart only pounded faster in terror.

"Y-Yeah... I... I thought I saw something in the mirror and then the lights flickered... I guess... I was just seeing things..." I hesitantly admitted with a gulp, obviously choosing my words very carefully.

Naruto laughed, probably trying to cheer me up. "You're so silly, Sakura-chan. I bet those hotel owners or whatever just suck at paying the electric bill, so that's why their lights flickered. Haha!"

Shy Blossom continued, start chapter 82Where stories live. Discover now