Chapter 33 A Normal Day At The L/-Wait! The Tsukinami's Household

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____________________________________Author's Note
Ha Im such a cockblocker! But I'll make it up to you guys in this chapter! And no this isn't a prank so calm yer tits! (^ω^) I try so hard to make my a/ns short but I think im getting the hang of it!
You laughed loudly obnoxiously at the TV pointing at beast boy turning into a gorilla and beat Robin up
(Tell me you guys don't do that to annoy somebody especially somebody who gets angry easily I just love annoying people!)

You bumped Shin in his shoulder on propose making him fume with anger

"Shin! Shin! Shin! Look I loooove this part!" You yelled like a child at Shin and you jumped up and down spilling your popcorn on Shin

That's when he grabbed your tie and choked you with it

You laughed while coughing and choking

"Y-Your so cute! I-I ...c-cant!" You yelled coughing and laughing

He just scowled at you angrily wanting to kill you especially on what happened a couple of days ago in his bed when the author cockblocked the readers

"I fucking hate you! Dammit! Why did Carla make me babysit you!?" Shin yelled in frustration letting go of your tie

You howled with laugher trying to catch your breath

"Hey Shin Shin Shin Shin Shin Shin Shin Shin Shin Shin Shin~" you moaned out his name making him blush with anger

"Walk me! Walk me! Walk me! Walk me!" You yelled childishly throwing one by one popcorn at his face making him flinch his eye twitching

You stopped and turned into a wolf

You growled and pulled at his clothes playfully wanting attention badly

You barked and barked while jumping in his lap pawing at his face

You gave him puppy eyes begging for attention while licking his face as your tail wagged anxiously but you whimpered at Shin because he ignored you

You hopped off his lap and stood in a corner lifting up your leg with a smirk

His eyes wondered at you then he glared at you

"Don't you dare " he spoked lowly and threatening at you but you lifted up your leg more

He grabbed you by your scruff to the torturing room you whimpered digging your feet into the floor leaving scratch marks here and there

He grabbed a collar hanging from the wall and put it on your neck and clipped a leash to it

You turned into your human form gripping at the collar

"Your going to take me outside with such a lewd collar?" You said tilting your head cutely confused

He blushed at your cuteness but frowned bitterly dragging you with the leash and pulled you outside

"Ah not too hard Shinipoo" you said with a smirk making him blush at the nickname

He threw you outside and quickly closed the door your ears flattened on your head making your tail droop

You turned into your wolf form again and whimpered scratching at the door with your paws as you howled
With the Sakamaki brothers
Everybody sat in the living room discussing how they was going to rescue you from the sadistic first blood vampire

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