Chapter 7 - Calm

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I said giving him a weak smile...

Temari POV

Sakura said to meet up at the Dango shop and so I didnt hesitate to leave,

She said something about Ino being still depressed and it wasnt healthy,

I went to the shop to see Sakura waving at me,

Smiling sadly,

Damn I miss Ino's nosiness,

"Sakura-chan so what's the plan?",

I asked out of plain curiosity,

Even though I wasn't,

I knew this girl,

And I also knew Ino,

And she knew her too...

Ino needs a little raincheck now,

She needs to get her mind on other things too,

I know what she's thinking,

I stared at her wide-eyed pleading,

But there's no saying no to Sakura,

And so...


"Ino!" Sakura said knocking on the door,

"Sakura if she doesn't want to get out let her be-",

I got cut off by her glare,

And if looks could kill,

I'm already dead,

Into opened the door,

A bit droopy,

Somewhat like Shikamaru...

"Oh hey girls what do you guys want?",

She asked smiling sadly,

"Well its been a 'while' and I and Temari-chan over here miss you and so...",

She trailed,

She then nudged my shoulder,

Guess I have to say it now,

What a drag,

"Please come with us with a girls night out!" We synchronized,

"It would be incomplete without you!",

She continued,

'Hinata where are you? Whats taking you so long?',

I thought,


She replied smiling widely,

Now this was the Ino we knew,

She motioned for us to get in till....

"G-gomenazai! I'm s-sorry I'm late",

she said panting/bowing,

"Its OK come on in with us" Ino said,

This will be a heck of a day...

Sarada POV

Himawari went to me he other day and explained,

That was one heck of s rejection!

Inojin I hope you're okay now!


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