Chapter 12

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My brain shuts off. I stop struggling, and the men carrying me stop fighting me. It seemed like the entire world stops working, and only one sentence filled it. One thought was all that circled my brain.

Nash is dead.

I can't breath. I gasp for air, for Nash's embrace, but find nothing.

It is only seconds, but it feels like hours. Finally, I am brought back to the real world by one thing.

The bullet hole in the wall.

My breath returns, and the world is once more working. I can't describe the relief that I feel when I realize that the gun wasn’t shot at Nash, it was shot at the wall.

“If you don't stop fighting, next one is going in lover boys head,” Andrew says, and points his gun at a trembling Nash. All I can do is nod as the two men carry me back to the room. Once inside, I slam my fist into the wall. Nash is going to get killed, and there is nothing I can do about it. Not only am I letting Nash die, but I’m letting down the agency, and my parents. Anna was right, I wasn’t ready for this mission. I should have left when I had the chance. Maybe Nash would be safe if I did.

After about 5 minutes, the door opens, and the man named Seth walks in. I notice the gun in his hand, and know what his job is.

“If asked you some questions, will you answer them for Andrew?” he asks me, already knowing the answer.

“Not unless Nash gets to live,” I reply, and he shakes his head.

“Sorry, orders are orders. If you won't answer any questions, then it's the downstairs for you,” he states, and holds up his gun to signal my execution.

“Is he dead?” I ask him. Its takes all my strength not to tremble at the thought of my death.

“Why would I-”

“Please. It's my dying wish to know if you've killed him,”

He starts to shake his head, but nods instead.

“Fine. Andrew is asking him some questions right now. But he is killing him soon.”

I don’t try to stop the tears that overflow. He raises the gun to my head, and I know that this is the end. I have put in all my effort, and now I have nothing left. I take a deep breath before thinking;

It doesn’t have to be.

Before he can pull the trigger, I swing around and force the gun out of his hand. It lands on the bed next to me. While Seth recovers from my unexpected move, I grab it, and shot him in the foot. He falls to the floor, and yells in pain. Tom hears the commotion, and runs into the room, only to be shot in the shoulder by me. I never liked the idea of killing someone, but I would injure them if I had to. I left the two men, and slowly made me way back to the room, gun ready to fire. When I look around the corner I see Nash covered in fresh blood, and Andrew leaning over his chair. I can hear the faint mumbling of Andrew interrogating Nash. Luckily, He doesn’t realize that it was his men who were shot, not me.

Nash's eyes are filled with tears. He believes that I was the one who died too. When he looks in my direction, I give him a 'shush' signal by pressing my finger to my lip. His eyes fill with happiness and surprise, but his face remains unchanged. I am thankful that he is such a good actor.

I wait for a few minutes and go over my plan in my head. Everything should go as planned, but I only have one shot at this. If I mess this all up, there's no going back.

When Andrew turns his back on me, I come out from around the corner and point the gun at him.

“Step away from Nash or I shoot,” I say sternly. I should have known that there would be a flaw to my plan, but I didn’t think about it until I see the gun pressed to Nash's temple.

“Nice try sweet heart, but I always win,” An evil grin spread across Andrews face. I felt like giving up and collapsing to the floor. There was no way to beat him, he was always one step ahead of me. I lowered my gun. Shame went through my entire body, and I knew I was letting down everyone. Anna, my parents, Nash, and even myself. I felt a tear make its way down my cheek and allowed myself to accept the fact.

I was giving up.

I looked at Nash and muttered my last words to him.

“I'm sorry.”

He didn’t look at me. I wasn’t surprised, but still a little bit hurt. I tried to help, but there was nothing left I could do. There was still one last sliver of hope he would give me a loving glance before our deaths, but I received nothing. It seemed as though he was focused something other than the situation at hand. I closed my eyes as Andrew raised the gun towards me, and his sinister chuckle filled my ears.

“Say goodbye to your girl friend Nash,” he said, and I mustered the strength to open my eyes once more. What I saw amazed me.

Nash had managed to untie his hands while Andrew was talking to me, and he yanked the gun from his grip. Andrew was caught off guard by Nash's actions, and Nash took the opportunity to shot him. It was clear he had never used a gun before, because he had to scramble to figure out how to load it and shot it. He managed to hit him in the side, which I found impressive due to how shaky his hands were. I ran over to him and cut his ropes loose. Before I could tell him to run, he pull me in the air, and hugged me so tight I couldn’t breath. He was sobbing. I couldn’t hold back the tears from running down my face either. He set me down, and pulled me into a long kiss.

“Nash, we need to go,” I told him, and he nodded. We ran to the back door of the house, and into the nearest shop. It was only a few blocks away. It is almost 11, and we both let out a relieved sigh when we find a small burger joint still open. We rush in, and the lady looks up from the counter.

“How may I- Are you all right?!” she asks, probably at the sight of Nash's bloody face.

“We just need to use a phone.. and a wet rag, quickly!” She hands me the phone from the desk, and runs to the back. I call the agency, and tell them where Andrew and his men are, and reassure David that we are safe. After I hang up, I go to tend to Nash and his cut face. There is still a constant stream of tears coming from his eyes, but he has slowed down since we escaped. I am immediately reminded of Skylynn and Hayes. I hope they are alright, and they aren't worried to death. I will call them later.

Nash hasn’t said a word since we left, but I can tell he wants to.

“Look, Nash, you were amazing back there. I know you were scared out of your mind, but you still managed to keep calm. You were amazing at concealing your feelings, you took the beatings well, and you even saved my life. You were secret agent material back there. I know looking back on it, it all seems so horrible and scary, but were here now, and were both safe. That's all that matters okay? We can move on and try to forget it ever happened.” I say to him.

“The first time, when he shot the wall, I thought for a second you died, and my body stopped. When he sent in his men to kill you the second time, and I thought for sure you were dead, my world stopped. The thought of you being gone was to much to bear. I never want to go through that again.” he replied, and my lip trembled.

“I don’t either. Never.”

We sat in the booth of that burger joint and cried. We held onto each other and just cried.


Finally an up date! Soooooo sorry it took me so long, school has kept me really busy.  Now they are out safely, you guys can relax:) Also, thanks for the reads and the votes, they mean a lot to me!  I love receiving comments, thanks so much you guys!

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