Chapter 8

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Nash and I retrieved Skylynn from his house, and went for a walk downtown for ice cream. Sky was ecstatic When she found out we were taking her out for a treat. We each held onto one of her hands while we made our way through the busy streets. I was thankful that no girls came up to Nash, considering that they had all basically known him since before he was famous. I didn’t want to have him being attacked by fans. I can't imagine what that would be like, I don’t think that I would be able to keep my self calm throughout the day.

“What a lovely daughter you two have!” An old lady said to us, motioning to Sky. We both started blushing and trying to correct the woman.

“No-uh, see that's- no,” We both stuttered together, but the lady had already walked past. Once she left, there was an awkward silence that was broken by our laughter shortly afterward.

“I don’t think she realized that I would have to have had Sky at 12 in order to be her mother,” I said through my giggle.

“I think she was too old to even notice our age!” He replied. I tried not to laugh at his comment, but I couldn’t help it.

We finally reached the small ice cream shop, and Skylynn broke apart from us and ran to inspect the dozens of flavors. It took her awhile to pick just one, but she finally decided on rainbow sherbert. I got chocolate, and Nash got mint chocolate chip, and we payed for the three cones. We ate our cold treats and watched as the people walked by the window. Nash was constantly cracking jokes about the peoples appearance or conversations, which usually earned him a playful smack from me.

“You got a little something on your lip,” he said to me.

“Where?” I asked as I attempted to lick it off.

“Ill get it,” he answered, and gave me a kiss.

“EWW,” Skylynn said. She covered her eyes, and Nash poked her in the stomach. She giggled and swatted his hand away.

Once we finished our ice cream, we continued to walk around and window shop. I was having a blast, until I noticed a dark figure following us from behind. We took the weirdest route we could, but he was still only 10 meters away. I quickly made up an excuse to leave, and confront the person. I acted like my phone was ringing, and fake answered it.

“Hello? Right now? Five more minutes? Fine, see you in a bit,” I said to no one on the opposite end, and turn to face Nash and Skylynn “My mom says I have to come home, ill see you tomorrow.”

“Alright, see you tomorrow,” He waves goodbye, and Sky mirrors him. He takes her hand, and leads her away. It is so adorable how good he is with her. I didn’t have much time to watch him, I had to find the man. I spun around and ran towards the figure, who had ducked behind an ally. I turned the corner, and felt two pairs of hands grab me. I felt a cloth go over my face, and held my breath. Oh no you don't. I ran backwards, and rammed the man into the brick wall behind me. He released his grip, and I spun around and punched him. He punched me in the face, and I was sent flying into the garbage can. He was about to step on me, but I grabbed the lid to the trash can and deflected his foot. He slipped on the metal lid, and almost fell on me, but I rolled out of the way. I pinned him to the ground with my hands and feet.

“Who are you working for?” I asked with anger in my voice.

“Like I'm telling you,” he replied with a toothy grin. I punched him in the face again.

“I'm not playing any games, who are you working for?” I asked again.

“I would rather get beaten to death than tell you kid. But nice try.”

He was right, there was no way I could beat this out of him. I hit him once more on the head, and he fell unconscious. I dragged his body to an upright position, and took out my phone. I dialed 911.

“911, what's your emergency?” the lady asked through the phone.

“Hi, I’m here in an ally way on Walnut Street, and there is an unconscious man here.”

“Stay right where you are, there is an ambulance on the way,” she told me, and I hung up. Hopefully they would read his files or something, and he could be put in jail. I don’t know if he had done anything before hand, but hopefully he wouldn't come back into the picture. That took care of one of the men, but there are at least two more out there. This man wasn’t young enough to be the one at the field, and he didn’t have a cut under his eye like the one at the school got from me. I made sure there was no sign I was here, and left the ally. I was walking to the hotel when I saw the ambulance rush by me. I should be feeling a sense accomplishment, but instead I was feeling like a failure. If I couldn’t get any information from that guy, then I probably can't get it out of anyone. I let my head drop as I made my way back to my all to familiar hotel room. I decided to go to bed early that night, and so I took a long shower and flopped into my bed. After texting Nash for awhile, I laid down for a long nights sleep.


Another chapter, sorry this one was kind of a filler, but it had some action in it:) If you would be so kind to leave a like and a comment I would love you forever:) 

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