Chapter 9

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“Hey, you wanna go to the playground with me?” Nash asked me over the phone.

“Okay.. Why do you want to go to the playground? Aren’t you a little old for that?” I grumbled over the phone. I didn’t want him to know, but I had just woken up. It was 2:00 in the afternoon.

“My mom is making me take Sky and I don’t want to go alone..” he admits. I laugh at him.

“Be over there in 20,” I say, and hang up. It was a surprisingly nice day, so I decided to put on some shorts and a tank top. After I brushed my teeth and put my hair up in a ponytail, I headed over to the Grier household. When I pulled into the driveway I saw a very unamused Nash pulling a very satisfied Skylynn in a little wagon.  I giggled and Nash made a face at me.

“Hi Molly!” Sky greeted. She was the only one that was allowed to call me Molly because is sounded so cute.

“Hey Skylynn. I like your wagon,” I replied and she got an evil smile.

“Nash doesn't,” She said to me.

“I can see that,” I stated, gesturing towards Nash. We both laughed and started towards the park. We walked and talked for 10 minutes before we reached the playground. Sky ran towards the swings, and we took turns pushing her.

“Mo, can I talk to you for a second,” he asked me, and I agreed. I knew that this conversation may come up again, and so I had prepared myself. I wasn’t going to freak out like last time.

“I didn’t want to bring this up, but it's really been bugging me. I feel like I know you so well, yet I don’t know you at all. I mean, there are still things that I can't seem to figure out, like how you can punch so well and why you always seem so secretive. I want to know everything about you. Not only the things you want me to know. I haven’t even meet your parents for goodness sakes! Look, I don’t want to pressure you, I just want to know who you are, and get as close to you as possible. Is that to much to ask?”

By the end of his speech, there were tears threatening to spill down my cheeks. I wanted to tell him everything, to fall into his arms and tell him my life story, but I couldn't. I never could, and that hurt me.

“Nash, I want to tell you, but it's complicated,” Is all I could manage to say.

“Does it need to be?” he asks with saddened eyes. I nod in response.

“I promise, one day you can know everything, but not today,” I tell him to make him feel better, even though I know he can't ever know.

“Ill be right here waiting until that day comes then,” He hugs me tightly against him, and I let out a sigh. I haven’t lost him. The fact that he is willing to stay with me until I say I can tell him breaks my heart. I never want to leave Nash.

“Is there anything I can do to make it better in the meantime?” I ask.


He leans down and kisses my lips. He grabs my waist pulls me closer to his body, and I reach up and tangle my fingers in his soft hair. I lose track of how long we stay with our lips connected, but all that I know is that I never want to leave. Suddenly, the kiss is broken by the sound of Sky screaming.

“NASH!” she yells, and we both whip around to see a man carrying her away.

“SKYLYNN!” we yell, and bolt after them. They are too far ahead of us, and there is no way we will be able to catch up to them in time. I pick up a medium sized rock, and throw it at the mans leg. Through some miracle, its hits him in the back of the knee, and he stumbles to the ground. Nash and I have enough time to run up and grab Sky from his hands before he can get up again. Nash squeezes her to his chest, and tries to stop her from crying. I go over to the man and punch him in the face, before tying his hands behind his back with my shoelace. Once I know he is secure I grab Nash's arm.

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