Chapter 10

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When I woke up, I was laying on a creaky bed with a springy mattress on it. I felt an immense pain in my head when I turned to observe my surroundings. I was in an old room with chipping paint and dusty furniture, but more importantly, Nash was laying on the bed that was next to mine.

“Nash, are you awake?” I whispered, and he shot up in his bed. He scrambled over to me, and gave me a huge hug. I noticed a massive bruise on his right cheek, and his bottom lip was split. A small amount of dried blood was still showing from his nose.

“You're okay, thank God!” he said, and I nodded.

“My head is kind of in pain,” I said to him, and he let go of me.

“I thought you were dead! Where are we? Who were those guys?” He asked, and I stopped him. I couldn't handle all the questions, I needed to straighten out the situation.

“First things first, were you conscious when they brought you here?”

“No. I woke up about 4 hours ago,”

“Dang. Have they been in here since then?”

“Once, they came in to check to see if you were awake.”

“That means they don’t have cameras in here, that’s a good sign. Has anything else happened since you woke up?”

“No. The man came in once a few hours ago, and now you woke up, and that’s it.”

I took a deep breath, and analyzed the situation. We are trapped in an unknown place, with no surveillance, and we have been here for at least 4 hours, probably more. I doubt we have anything with us, they probably took our phones and anything else we had. I relaxed myself, and tried to think of a plan. It seemed as though nothing was going to work. There was no way of getting out, we will have to just see what happens.

Nash is looking at me, and I can tell he has a million questions going through his head. I don’t look at him, and try to focus on the situation at hand.  He remains silent for awhile, and I try to prepare myself for what will happen to us next.  Finally, Nash speaks up.

“You knew.”

“What?” I say, looking up at him. He has an expression that I can't describe. A look of realization, mixed with anger, confusion, and sorrow.

“You knew about everything. You knew about the men, about us getting kidnapped, about everything, and you didn’t tell me. Why?”

I don’t look at him. I would break down.

“Ya, I did know. I didn’t tell you because I couldn’t. For your safety, and because I was told I couldn’t.”

“By who?”

Again I don’t answer. I had no choice now but to tell him everything. I think over what I am going to say, and I start at the beginning. I tell him everything.

“Three years ago, my parents were killed by a car bomb. It was put there because they were apart of the Endangered Persons Protection Association, or the EPPA, and someone wanted them dead. My parents said if they were ever hurt, that they would have wanted me to go to the EPPA to train to become a secret agent, like they were. So I went there, and I meet Anna, my mentor. She taught me everything, how to fight, how to have quick reflexes, and how to analyze a situation. After years of training, I finally got my first solo mission. That mission was to protect you.”

Nash stands there with his jaw dropped. He looks like he has felt all the emotions I have felt on my journey up to this point. He shakes his head, still trying to comprehend everything I just said.

“So everything we have been through, our entire relationship, has been fake? Just a way for you to get close enough to protect me?” He asks after a few minutes of silence.

“Of course not! From the start, it was my job to become your friend and keep you safe, but all the stuff that happened after was real. Besides Anna, you are my closest friend. The real reason I had that panic attack was because you were asking about my real identity, and I was afraid you would find out and I would have to leave, and I almost did. When I kept all those secrets, and I lied about my parents and my past, it was so that I could stay here with you. So I wouldn't have to leave. I wanted to be able to just be me, and we wouldn’t have to worry about anything, just be real. And I would never have to leave.”

He nods, and stares at me with understanding eyes. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my chest. Despite the fact that we are held prisoner by someone who wants to kill us, I feel so much happier.

“You were doing this because you love me,” he says, more of a statement than a question.

“I feared the day when I would have to leave you. Once you were safe, I would have to leave, and we would never see each other again.”

I felt tears sliding down my face. I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I curled up against his chest, and sobbed. He just held me tight, and stroked my hair. I could tell he didn’t know what to say to make me fee better, because there was nothing. The silence didn’t bother me though, it felt like he was saying everything to me just with his presence.

Hours passed, and still nothing happened. We sat next to each other, and played games and chatted to help the time go by. Nash made a game out a broken spring, by seeing who could launch it up the highest. I realized that these might be the last few hours of our lives, but I was happy that I could spend it with him.

“So I was wondering, is your name really Molly, or is that your undercover name?” he asked me randomly.

“No, its Molly, but it's Molly Green, not Molly Blue,” I informed him.

“Molly Green. I like it. Now we can be NG and MG,” he said, and for the first time in hours, I laughed. Our moment was ruined when the door swung open, and one of the killers henchmen was standing in the entrance.

“Good, you're awake. Come on, Andrew will see you now,” he said. Nash and I exchanged looks, and we walked out of the room, hand in hand.


So this chapter was kind of a filler, but Molly needed to tell Nash everything.  This was kind of sad to write to, but at least now they can be honest.  Please leave a like and a comment. It would be much appreciated:)

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