
"Just take the bag and run!"

"He'll kill you, hide!"

A group of young hockey players stood in the hotel's hall late at night. On either side of them were rooms where other teammates were probably asleep. In any minute one of them would be feeling the full anger of Patric Hornqvist.

"This was a horrible idea!" Emerson was in sports shorts and a large t-shirt. Truth be told she didn't even have a bra on, she had been laying in bed trying to sleep when Olli started banging on her door. Her hair was messy, eyes feeling tired- whereas by each passing second she was now becoming more awake. These idiots were making her anxiety skyrocket when she wanted to be on her best for tomorrow.

Suddenly all their heads snapped to the sound of a door opening. Their faces drained of color as Sidney Crosby stepped out of one of the rooms, "guys its 10 at night, what's going on?"

"N-nothing! Just conversing about tomorrow!" Jake stuttered out, hiding Pat's bag behind his back.

"Try to get some sleep."

Sidney's eyes scanned over the group until they landed onto Emerson. She couldn't tell what he was thinking but she immediately felt like a small child being scolded. Yet, apart of her felt drawn to go over to him.. even if she tried to go sleep it wouldn't happen. And there were so many thoughts racing through her head about the game tomorrow.

"Hey Sid, could I talk to you?" it came out quiet as she took a few steps towards him. She wasn't entirely sure where this confidence was coming from, but at least this would get her out of an angry Horny's way.

He gave her a nod, "of course."

The moment she left the group of boys she was just with, they didn't pay her any attention as they realized the problem they were stuck with. Emerson couldn't help but wonder what they were gonna do about their predicament.

Sidney allowed her into his room with ease, and everything was just as neat as when they first arrived. It didn't even look like he unpacked at all.

"Everything okay?"

"Tomorrow's really getting to me..."

"You're nervous." Sid chuckled, "Don't worry it's normal, but I'm sure you know that."

"Yeah just-"

"Let's go sit outside on the balcony, it's a nice night out."

"Okay." Emerson blindly followed him out the sliding door. He took a seat on one of the padded chairs, and she sat in the one besides him. He seemed very focused on the city lights around them, staring out into the night sky.

He folded his arms across his chest, "I still remember how I felt before my first game in the nhl.. You're right, it's a whole different feeling and I'm sure that's scary for you- especially considering you're a girl and there's a lot of pressure on you for that."

"I don't know why I feel like I'm going to be the one to lose this for us, I keep trying to remind myself I'm here for a reason.."

"And you are Ems. If more girls could play like you then they'd be here too. But they can't, you're a great goalie don't forget that."

Goalie // Sidney Crosbyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن