"Ana-" he choked out, shoving me away.

I stumbled and hit the ground, forcing the air out of my lungs from my ungraceful act. Without standing, I turned to face the god I had met so long ago. His eyes were flickering between green and blue and for the first time since Asgard, I saw the man who was simply mischievous, not evil. He was the man who took me on romantic rides through Asgard's forests and would help me prank those foolish enough to anger me.

"Loki. I can help you fight it," I whispered.

"Please.. Get out," he hissed, throwing the knife to the opposite side of the cage.

I shook my head and held a hand out to him pleadingly. Despite his previous protest, Loki's hand met mine almost instantly.

"I'm sorry," he said, his breathing labored.

"It's ok. I am going to help you," I reassured.

Then, I reached out to meet his mind with my own. As I did so, his eyes returned to a pale, sickly color and his hand tightened around mine. Forcefully, I fought my way through his formidable mental barriers, rendering both of us unable to move as we focused on our mental war.

As I forced myself into his mind, Loki let out a guttural scream and fell to the ground in agony. Finally, I reached the last barrier with tears streaming down my cheeks. I was the one causing my friend, and the object of my affection, such immense pain.

"I'm sorry," I said quietly, entering his mind fully and sorting through it as gently but quickly as I could.

Loki was not the only resident in his own mind, and the other was not as kind as I was. A dark, malicious force had wrapped itself around Loki's already tainted conscience. Fearing that I would not have much time, I frantically went through his recent memories. The only one I was able to see before being forced out of his mind, was of him trying to back out of some kind of deal with a large, dark figure atop a throne.

"You will do as I command," the figure ordered.

The voice was painfully familiar.

As past-Loki began to protest, I felt pain rip through his body as the figure clapped his hands. Loki had been so keen on gaining a throne, that he managed to get himself caught up in a deal with Thanos himself. True terror coursed throughout my mind, allowing the malicious presence to send my consciousness packing.

"Loki what have you done?" I asked, now having returned to my own body.

"I was supposed to be dead," he choked, releasing my hand as his now-green eyes began to water.

"You made a deal with Thanos. Of all people to get involved with, you chose that purple freak!" I shouted angrily, picking up my knife.

Loki merely inspected his shoes, unable to meet my fiery gaze. Letting out a sigh, I returned my blade to its sheath and embraced the god before me.

"I will help you Loki," I decided as his arms wrapped around me.

"Why would you aid a monster?" he asked shakily, tremors running down his spine as I held him gently.

"I wouldn't. But you know I would do anything for you."

With that, I grabbed his chin softly and tilted his head so that his eyes met my own. A small smile crept onto my face as I placed a gentle kiss on his pale lips. His arms tightened around me before he relaxed and returned the kiss with a small smirk. I pulled away to see that he had a huge, smug smile plastered on his face.

"There's my Loki," I grinned.

His eyes began to flicker once more, so I planted a light kiss on his cheek before teleporting back to the meeting room where I was sure to be lectured by Steve.

"As I said, he's being controlled," I stated, leaning against the table.

The Avengers looked at me with wide eyes, and of course Tony was the first to speak.

"Who knew that Loki the psychopath would be able to have a crush!"

"He was always quite fond of Anna," Thor mused.

"Who is it?" Fury interrupted.

"More gods?" Bruce questioned.

"I wish. This is much worse. He seeks to control everything, not just Earth. We are merely a small part of his plan. Loki made a deal with a man named Thanos, but when he tried to back out, Thanos forced him into submission. I can barely fight against Loki's mind, let alone his. I may be able to give Loki control, but as you saw, it would not last long. We must find a way to force that big purple brute out and break his hold."

"What happens then? Still not hearing a way to kill the purple alien," Tony said snarkily.

"I have no idea. Perhaps his daughters could help if we could find them."

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