Chapter 15: The End Of An Era

Start from the beginning

You: "No. But do you?" I say smirking. That one was good.

TitanFall: "Execute Phoenix. Engaged." I see him basically fly at me. I again try to dive to my right but this time am met with a claw across my side. I grunt in pain and look down to see 4 large cuts in my side. I look back up towards this thing only to see it a few feet away. I release my claws and block his first swing above my head, but his second one came in to low and fast for me and he cut my calf. I see 4 more gashes in it. I send fire through my feet and fly backwards away from this thing. It's been 30 seconds and he already has 2 large hits on me. I see him fly at me again. I run at him, slide between his feet, then jump up and cut across his back. Although I don't see any blood, only sparks.

You: "What?"

TitanFall: "The doctor told you, you cannot inflict damage on me. Even if I do not land another hit on you. With your heart rate, this high you will bleed out in 117 minutes." Ok... How can he know that? We continue fighting.

Asami POV

Everybody's basically stopped fighting to watch M/N and this TitanFall thing duke it out in the streets. He seems to be holding his own against it, until... I see M/N get tripped up, as he's falling Titan grabs his side and throws him into a building nearby. I see a shop about 2 blocks down begin to crumble. This Titan thing walks through the hole M/N made and a few seconds later a see M/N come flying out of it into the wall of another building. I hear 3 people land behind me and turn to find Korra, Mako and Bolin.

Asami: "He won't let us help him, and trust me, even Korra doesn't stand a chance against this thing." I see Korra hold up a hand signaling none taken. I turn back to the fight to see M/N on a knee trying to stand. He turns to us.

You: "Run! Get Out Of Here! I Can't Beat Hi-" I see it. TitanFall appears right in front of M/N. I hear Korra gasp. I look at her then back to M/N, except, there are 4 black spikes coming out from his left shoulder. I see him cough blood and try to pry the claws from his chest. I can almost feel the scream he lets out when Titan begins dragging him away with his claws still lodged in M/N's chest. I can hear Korra's whimpering behind me. Although I see him stop at the end of the street. He stands behind M/N and raises him up. I see him rip out his claws and M/N begins to fall.

Korra POV

I see him begin to fall. And then he stops suddenly. His head shoots backwards and I see him clench his teeth. Then I look down... 4 black blades emerging from his right side. I see a pool of blood begin forming at his feet.

Korra: "No!" I try to run to him but feel somebody grab me. I look back to see Mako. "Let Me Go! He Needs Help!"

Asami: "Korra... It's suicide. I've seen him fight, we can't beat him..." I couldn't believe it.

Korra: "We Can't Just Give Up!" I yell.

TitanFall: "Yes, young avatar. Come try to save the man you love." I see him twist his claws and M/N scream in return. Although something changes after this. I see M/N's hand begin to spark. "What? You still have the strength to bend?"

You: "You know what's weird?" I hear him say through clenched, and fairly bloody teeth.

TitanFall: "What?"

You: "That Dr.Vexx would inject a metal into you that conducts electricity. And then have you fight against a man who is an expert lightning bender." M/N grabs the claws sticking out from his side and I see TitanFall begin to shake.

TitanFall: "Y-you can't win, n-not with that amount of p-power." I see M/N's eyes begin to glow again.

You: "Tell the Doctor if he wants me dead. To kill me himself." And with that, an explosion occurs. I see M/N come flying out of it and use my airbending to catch him. I lay him down softly and melt some ice near me into water and begin to try and heal him. Although I am stopped by a voice.

Dr. Vexx: "Fine, I'll just kill you myself." I turn to see the doctor in some kind of armor. He flips a mask down and charges us. I feel M/N stir, I see his eyes are still glowing. He gets up and charges at the him. Although this time, I see him release 3 dark gray foot-long claws in between each knuckle instead of his normal claws that extend from his nails.

You: "This Is For My Family! For Sky's Family! And For Anyone Else Who's Lives You Ruined! You Will No Longer Hurt!" I see a sword grow from the end of the Doctor's armor. M/N ducks under it and sinks his new claws into the doctor's armor. I had no idea they went through until he pulls them out and I see blood on the tips of each claw. The doctor falls to his knees.

Dr. Vexx: "You... shouldn't... have, that mutation. What... Are You?" I see M/N bend down so they're face to face.

You: "You call me Phoenix, Citizens call the The Dual Bender, Soldiers call me Admiral. None of which are right." I see M/N stand above the doctor. "I am the spirit of Gaea, and this is my vessel." I hear an oddly feminine voice say. "I was the first goddess, the most ancient spirit besides light and dark themselves. And you will not be forgiven for what you have put my vessel through."

Dr. Vexx: "You know... you have no right to call me a failure... considering you failed to protect your own family." I see M/N raise his hand, and sink his claws into the man's head. He simply falls when M/N pulls them out. "Your creations were never meant to exist. And neither were you." I see M/N turn to us, his eyes still glowing. "I can heal my vessel to an extent, but you must oversee his recovery." I nod, and see the largest of his wounds begin to glow and disappear. "I must go now, his body needs rest, but before I do, I must tell you one last thing. His true title, the one he was originally meant to go by, in the true prophecy. In the original prophecy, the man was to be called, the Wolverine." And with that I see his eyes dim and he falls to the ground. I look to my friends, and back to M/N. I pick him up bridal-style and carry him back towards my house. The era of the Phoenix, is over. Hopefully he can forget his past and start a new one. I look towards his sleeping face. The Wolverine. I wonder what his sister's title was? I guess I'll ask him when he wakes.

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