Chapter 6

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The next day had come.  Sage and Drew both having not gotten sleep. They had a restless night.

"Brianna there's something I need to tell you sweetie" Sage says.

"Auntie you sound sad. What's wrong?" Brianna questions noticing the sorrow in her aunts eyes. The slouch in her posture.

"I'm so so sorry, Drew and I we ahh we got recruited we are going back overseas we have to go on the 18th. I'm so sorry baby." Sage says bent down on her knees in front of niece.

"But Aunt Sage you and my dads were supposed to drop me off at school" Brianna starts to cry.

One of her dads and her aunt missing the first, first day of school she would have since being adopted by Drew and Rick. She just couldn't get that idea through her head.

"Sweetie Drew and I we are gonna drop you off with Rick. And I can promise you, I'll video chat with you as often as I can, I promise" Sage says embracing Bri in a hug.

"I'm sorry baby" Drew says entering the living room having just gotten up.

"Will you start teaching her" Drew starts to ask.

"Cello I'm gonna play cello at school" Brianna says

"Yeah I can, do you know the basics? Or do I need to start from the bottom?" Sage asks.

"I know how to hold my bow, but I can't really place my fingers in the right spots and I can read the music. " Bri explains.

"I'll be right back" Sage says. "This is my Cello I plan on bringing it with me when I get shipped out so I don't loose my mind. As well as my drum set and pad."

"It's so pretty" Brianna says.

"It's pretty beat up" Sage admits.

"Bri come unpack yours" Rick says coming out of his room with a cello case in hand.

"Thank you dads!" Brianna yells.

"Don't thank us it was your aunt" Rick says.

"I can't survive over there with out my cello. Think of this as a way to connect with me. And Rick you better record some practicing and all of her performances." Sage says sternly.

"I will" he responds.

"I will think of you when I play, and I know you'll think of me too" Sage says to Brianna who's sitting next to her on a folding chair.

"Here's your stand madam" Drew says putting a stand in front of the two cellist. Sage tightens her bow Brianna doing the same.

"Rosin" Sage says handing Bri it.

Brianna Rosins her bow.

Sage pulls out a music book from her case.

"Ok let's learn some scales" she says turning to a simple C major scale. "Ok listen to me play it then we'll play it together ok"

"Alright" Brianna responds.

"1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and" Sage counts out loud, starting to play the scale. "Ready Brianna?"

"Yeah" she replies.

"I'll count a measure than we play.  1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and" Sage says as they start playing together. Brianna messes up, "keep going"

"That was bad" Brianna says.

"For being your first time, you were amazing" Sage says.

"Ok I'm gonna challenge you" Sage says going into her case pouch and grabbing a music book. "By the time I get back I want to see if you can play this song"

Sage starts to play Bach's Cello Suite No. 1.

"I can't possibly do that" Brianna says.

"Well, I think you can but you gotta believe in yourself." Sage says.

"I can't go two or more months with out you two. I just can't" Brianna says looking back and forth between her aunt and Drew.

"It's gonna be ok we'll Skype with you ok" Drew says.

"I can't do it. I can't go to a new school where I have no friends and deal with two of the three most important people in my life getting deployed on the same day." Brianna cries.

"We will get through this. Together " Rick says.


The date was the 18th of August. The day the siblings were to report to base and Brianna's first day of school is today.

"You ready champ?" Sage asks her niece.

"Aunt Sage why do you have to go?" Brianna asks.

"Because it's my duty to serve" she says.

"You ready to go?" Drew asks grabbing the last bag of his. Sage grabbing hers and heading to the truck.

"Dad I can't do this" Brianna says.

"Yes you can" Sage says. "Remember our deal"

"I'm gonna miss you guys" Brianna says.

"We'll miss ya too kiddo" Drew says as they pull up to Westside San Antonio High school.

Sage and Drew get outta the truck walking up onto the sidewalk.

"Call me when you get off of school" Sage says.

"Ok" Brianna responds going to turn away.

"You can't get away that easily, Rangers" Drew starts.

"Lead the way" Brianna finishes.

"We love you Bri, we will be back before you know it" Drew says, both Drew and Sage saluting her as she heads off through the schools lawn.

"What was that about" a girl who looked to be older than her asks.

"That's my dad and my aunt they are getting deployed in two days but they have to be on the base in an hour" Brianna says holding in her tears.

"Damn I'm sorry. Well I'm Melissa I'm a sophomore, we should hangout." Melissa says.

"You wanna come over after school?" Brianna offers. "My other dad'll probably be chill about it"

"Your parents are gay? Mine are too" Melissa says.

"Yeah, uhh cool" Brianna says.

"So what's your name?" Melissa asks.

"Brianna but call me Bri" she responds.

"Well I have to go orchestra calls" Mellisa says.

"See you later, maybe during lunch" Brianna says.

"Yeah meet me in the orchestra room" She replies.

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