Chapter 13: She's All I Have And Ever Need

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*Continuing from Chapter 12...*

Taylor's POV

A few minutes go by, and one of the doctors came out to update us. "You can now go visit your wife, Mr. Caniff. We finally moved her to her private room." The doctor replied. "How is she doing?" I asked. "She's still in the condition she's in, last time I gave an update." The doctor replied. "So, is her heart still being closely monitored?" Dad asked. "Yes sir, it's honestly being very, very closely monitored. After what happened earlier, my team definitely doesn't want it to happen again." He said. "Thank you so much Doc, for saving my daughter-in-law." Dad replied as the doctor walked back to work. A few minutes after the doctor left, I started walking back and forth to the wall and emergency room door. "Taylor, let's go see her now!" Dad said. "I can't yet, Dad." I replied. "Why not? It's your wife here we're talking about." He said. "Dad, I can't see her, until Cameron is here. I honestly don't feel comfortable seeing her, after what happened." I replied to my Dad. "Why would you feel uncomfortable? Jennifer's your wife, Taylor!" He said.

"Well Dad, after this tragic accident that I caused, I wouldn't be comfortable seeing her if Cam isn't there." I replied. "Well, I'll just text your brother and see where they are." He replied as he went to text my brother Tristen. A few minutes later, he gets a reply. "He said that they're parking in the hospital parking garage right now." He said. Right then, I frantically started pacing back and forth, until I was stopped by my Dad. "Taylor, calm down. It's just Cameron who's coming. After all, he's not mad at you, right?" He asked. "Well yeah he's not really mad, but at the same time, it's freaking me out a little bit because I'm the reason why my wife walked outside, and eventually got hit by a car." I said. Right after I finished that sentence, I saw him coming towards us. At that moment, I was still too terrified to confront Cam, so I just walked away as him and Tristen were coming closer. "Good Evening, Mr. Caniff. How is everything with my sister?" Cameron asked. "Good evening, Cameron. One of her doctors just finished talking to us about 10-15 minutes ago, and he said that she's doing ok, but her heart has to be very, very closly monitored because it stopped beating for a good 5 minutes, but they were able to revive her quick enough." Dad said to Cameron. "She also lost a lot of oxygen from her brain from the impact when the car hit her, so she's also connected to an oxygen machine to help her breathe more properly." He said.

After Cam was done talking with my Dad, he noticed that I wasn't around. "speaking of, where's Taylor?" He asked. My Dad was looking around, and he couldn't find me. "I honestly don't know where he went. Do you know where he went, Tristen?" Dad asked. "I don't know either. I'll go look for him." He said as he went to go search for me.

Cameron's POV

After a few minutes of searching, Tristen came back. "I think I found him. Want to come with me, Cameron?" Tristen asked. "Yeah sure." I replied as I went with Tristen to see where Taylor was. After making a few turns, we finally spotted Taylor. "I'll leave you here. You go talk to him." Tristen said as he stepped to the side. I slowly walked over to Taylor, making it not obvious so he won't see me. Luckily he was looking in the opposite direction I was walking towards, so that made it easier. I slowly sat down next to him, and slowly placed my hand on his shoulder. "Hey Tay." I said. He slowly turned around, to see that I was sitting next to him.

Taylor's POV

"Ohh, hey Cam." I replied as I looked back in the other direction. "What's going on, Tay? Are you ok?" He asked. I didn't give him an answer because I was too nervous to even speak. "No, I'm not ok. I don't even feel like I should be next to you right now, after what happened to your sister. I did it again, Cam. I hurt her.... I hurt her." I said as I started to tear up. Cameron was noticing that I was tearing up, he put his hand on my shoulder. "Taylor, like I told you before, I'm not mad at you for what happened. And like I said, it was most likely a drunk driver that hit my sister, it wasn't you. But yes, I am slightly mad that you hurt my sister, for the second time, but, that's not what matters anymore. What matters is that my sister gets through this accident." Cam said. "Well, I'm glad that you're here, and that she'll be able to see you." I smiled. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go see her." Cameron said. "I can't." I replied. "Wait, why not?" He replied. "Cam, she hates me. She is mortified by me." I told Cameron. "By the news that we all know is fake?" He replied. "Well, yes. Right now, I bet she doesn't want to see my face at all." I told Cameron. "That doesn't matter anymore. I bet by now, she hopefully believes you now." Cam replied. "I don't want to be sure, Cam. But, I still do believe that she loves me." I replied.

------A few minutes later------

After a few minutes of talking with Cam, we both decided to go back together and meet up with my Dad and my brother Tristen. "So, is everything ok with you two now?" Dad asked. "Yes Mr. Caniff, we're both good now." Cam replied. "So, are you guys going to go visit Jennifer now?" Tristen asked. "Well, I definitely want to see my sister, but I don't know if Taylor wants to see his wife." Cam said. "Do you Taylor, want to see your wife?" Dad asked. "Of course I do. The problem is, she probably doesn't want to see me." I said. "Tay, what did I tell you? That doesn't matter anymore." Cam said. "Taylor, listen to Cameron. He's right." Dad said. I took a deep breath and looked at Cam, my Dad, and Tristen. "Let's not waste any more time. I want to go see her." I said as I took another deep breath. "That's the spirit. Let's go, she's probably waiting for us." Dad said as we all went together to Jennifer's private room.

------A few minutes later------

When we finally arrived at Jennifer's private room, we pulled the curtain, and we saw her, connected to various oxygen & breathing machines, and all my nervousness started to come back. I started pacing back and forth, and I started to sweat drastically. "Taylor, what is going on with you?" Tristen asked. "I honestly don't know what's wrong with me. I feel nervous all of a sudden." I replied.  "Why should you be nervous? She's right here." Dad said. "We'll stay outside, and give you time with her." Cam said as he, my Dad, and Tristen stepped outside and closed the door.

As they shut the door, I sat next to my wife on her bedside, and all my feelings for her, all of a sudden, came right back. "Hey baby, it's me. Taylor. I know you're probably super mad at me, but, I'm not going to let this stop me from telling you how much you mean to me." I said as I started crying, which I rarely cry. "Baby, you're the only person that I can come to when I need someone beside me. And since I can't see my family all the time, seeing you and our son Landon makes my heart complete. I need you in my life, baby. You and Landon are my prized possessions, and I don't know what I'd do without both of you in my life." I said. I took some deep breaths, and began to speak again.

"I remember when we first started dating, you told me there was this one song that you'd always play when you think of someone you love, and me being that one person you loved, we would always listen to that song. I'm going to play it right now, and hopefully you can hear it." I said as I got my phone out to play the song. (A.N. - The song Taylor is talking about is You & I by One Direction).

After I played the song, I decided to let Cam come in & talk to his sister. I stood up and let Cameron sit next to her. "Hey sis, it's your big brother, Cameron. I flew out right away when Taylor told me about what happened to you. It's so horrifying to hear about how this happens, and how you ended up here, but, we're all here for you. So, whenever you're ready, please wake up." Cam said. He grabbed her hand and caressed it slowly. He held onto it for a good 10 minutes. My Dad and Tristen then came in to see Jennifer. My Dad, followed by my brother, stood next to her on the other side. "Hey sweetie, it's your Pops, Kevin. Tristen and I, and everyone in this room, loves you so, very much. We would never want to lose you in any way, shape, or form." Dad said.

"Yes Jennifer, whatever Dad said, is all true. We all love you so much, and we would never want to lose you in any way possible." Tristen said. We all stayed in the room for the next 3 hours, until, something miraculously happened.....

*To be continued...*

A Love To Last (Sequel to Summer Love)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن