Chapter 4: Celebrating Landon Elijah

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------8 months later------

Today is April 18, 2025, and today we are celebrating my baby shower. I was very excited to see all my family and friends gather together with me to celebrate Baby Landon. The party is supposed to start at 2:00 pm. All the guests started arriving at 1:30 pm. And thanks again to my brother Cameron, who offered to host the baby shower, which I am very thankful of him in that he was always there for me. With the theme of the baby shower, we went with a Blue and White color scheme. When I went to go see the decorations, I was very happy. It turned out the way I wanted it to be. The food was where I wanted it, the desserts were where I wanted them to be, and just everything else was just so nice. The gifts were placed on a table in Cam's office, which was near the front door. I walked around to greet everyone that was there. Unfortunately, Taylor had to leave again for Indiana 2 days ago, but he's coming back in a few hours, so I'm very excited to see him again. As the party was going on, I gathered everyone's attention so I could say a small speech. "Hey everyone. I just wanted to thank you all for coming to my baby shower, to celebrate the lives of my baby boy. It's sad that Taylor can't be here at the moment because he's still in Indiana for work and to visit his family..." I paused as I heard a voice speak up. "I'm here now." The voice said. I looked up and saw Taylor dressed in a white polo shirt and a blue bowtie, black dress pants and dress shoes, while holding a bouquet of red roses in his hand. I put my hands over my mouth because I didn't expect Taylor to be home at this moment. I gave Taylor a hug and kissed his beautiful lips. "Yes guys, as Jennifer said, I am also thankful that you guys are all here to celebrate my little man, and we couldn't be more thankful. And of course, thank you to Jennifer's brother, aka my best friend Cameron for hosting the party today. We can't thank you enough for all the support you've given us, as well as your parents." Taylor finished. "Now, let's start eating!" I smiled as everyone, one by one, gathered around the food table and grabbed their food. Once everyone got their food, I had to sit down because I started feeling that my feet were getting swollen again. "Do you want me to get food for you, Sis?" Cameron asked. "Yes Cam, please." I replied as I watched my breathing.

My brother gave me my food, which he had already picked out for me. Ohh, I never told you guys why my brother and my parents set aside some special food for me sometimes. Ever since I was around 5 or 6 years old, I've been severely allergic to lobsters and crabs. I only get an allergic reaction with it when I eat it, not when I get near it, smell it, or touch it, which is good. It was good that my Dad made my favorite food, which are his steaks. He had a full steak and some white rice on the side. My brother gave me my plate and I started eating. My Dad then later came over with a glass of water for me. I've been craving my Dad's famous steaks almost every week, so my Dad makes sure that he makes some for me and brings it over to me. During the baby shower, Taylor gathered everyone's attention. "Guys, may I have your attention please." Taylor said as everyone looked over at him. "I hope you guys are enjoying yourselves here at the shower, but, there is one more surprise I have for my wife today." Taylor said as he looked over at me. "Baby, I know that you've been waiting for this moment for a long time, and this time, it's finally going to happen." Taylor smiled. I had no idea as to what Taylor's surprise was, so I just went with it. He left for a quick minute to go get the surprise he had for me. My Mom told me that Taylor said he wanted me to close my eyes, so that's what I did. He then came walking in slowly, but besides his foot steps, I heard more steps. "Ok babe, you can open your eyes now." Taylor said as I opened my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I couldn't believe what was in my sight. I had no idea that Taylor decided to surprise me by flying my favorite YouTubers all the way to Los Angeles, just to surprise me. That was none other than one of my favorite family vloggers ever, OKbaby. "Oh my gosh!!! Kyra and Oscar!!!!" I screamed as I stood up and walked over to where they were standing. They didn't bring their kids Levi and Alaya with them, which was fine with me. "Your husband told us that you were a huge fan of ours, so we thought it would be nice to come here and surprise you." Oscar said. "Speaking of which, Kyra and I have a special gift for your baby boy." Oscar said as he handed me a bag.

I took the bag and opened it to see what was inside. When I saw what the gift was, I started to smile, then laugh. Kyra and Oscar got baby Landon a onesie that says *I was born an OKbaby fan, just like my Mommy* This was the cutest gift I have ever received. "This was really nice of you guys. Thank you." I smiled as I hugged Oscar and Kyra. "Can I get a picture with you guys?" I asked. "Of course!" Kyra replied as I got in between Oscar and Kyra for the picture. Taylor took the pictures on my phone. After we took the pictures, I took some individual picture with Kyra and Oscar. I chose the pictures I liked, then put them in a collage and posted it on Instagram and Twitter. *Thanks to my hubby Taylor, I got an awesome surprise from @okbabyyt and @oscarmorales1111. Thank you guys (heart emoji)* After the awesome surprise, we continued the baby shower and had some fun times before baby Landon Elijah arrives.

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