Chapter 2: Something A Little Extra Came Along

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We got up at 2:00 am and our flight back to LA was at 4:30 am, so we got up, grabbed our luggages and headed for the car. We put our luggages in the car and headed for the airport. We got to the airport around 3:30 am, dropped off our rental car, got our bags checked in, went through security, and went to our gate. We both didn't have breakfast, so when we arrived at our gate, I sat down and watched our carry-ons while Taylor went to go get something for us to eat. While he went to get something for us to eat, I started to feel really dizzy and light-headed, and I kind of felt like I was going to throw up. So I walked to the nearest trash can and stood there just in case I was going to throw up. 10 minutes later, Taylor came back with breakfast, but then he noticed that I wasn't sitting where he left me, but then he looked up and saw me by the trash can. He set the food down and walked over to me. "Babe, are you ok?" Taylor asked. "I just feel a little light-headed and dizzy, and I feel like I'm going to throw up." I replied. "Ohh, well, I have our breakfast, so you should just sit down and rest and eat something." Taylor replied as he handed me my breakfast and we started eating. Our flight was announced and we got ready to board. We finished our food and followed everyone else was boarding our flight. We had a 6 hour and 15 minute flight ahead of us, and luckily there was no one sitting next to us, so we used up all that room and got comfortable.

------6 hours, 15 minutes later------

We finally arrived in LA at 10:45 am, and the flight was so tiring, I was still sleepy when I got off the plane. But when I also got off the plane, I started feeling even more dizzy than I was before. Taylor looked over at me and knew that something was up. "Babe, are you ok? You don't look like it." He said. "Babe, I really don't feel good at all, and I don't know what's wrong." I replied. "Do you want to go to the hospital and find out why?" Taylor suggested. "I think that would be a great idea." I replied as we got our bags from baggage claim and went to our car to drive to the hospital. When we were driving to the hospital, I was on the verge of throwing up. "Babe, I think I'm about to hurl." I told Taylor as I was making signs that I was about to throw up. "There's a plastic bag under my seat. Let me grab it." Taylor said as he quickly grabbed the bag and handed it to me. Right as I opened the bag, I threw up, pretty much all that I ate this morning. I stopped throwing up right as we pulled up to the hospital. Taylor got out and assisted me inside. I signed my name in and waited patiently for my name to be called. "Jennifer Dallas-Caniff." The nurse announced. It was my turn to go in, so I went in and had all the normal things checked. Weight, height, and everything else. Taylor decided to stay in the waiting room because he had a call that he was waiting for. I told the nurse that assisted me about what was happening since this morning, so she decided that I should have some tests done on me to make sure that I was ok. I went back and did those tests and sat in my room until my doctor came back with the results.

------20 minutes later------

I heard the door open and I saw my doctor come in and sit down on the stool. "Hello Mrs. Caniff, I'm Dr. Crawford, nice to meet you." Dr. Crawford said as I shook hands with him. "Nice to meet you too, Doc." I smiled. "So, the results came back from your tests, and it looks like your honeymoon trip was a success." He replied. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well, according to the tests we took, it looks like you'll have to be more careful with your body and how you take care of it." My doctor replied. "I still don't get it." I replied, confused. "Congratulations Mrs. Caniff, you're pregnant." Dr. Crawford replied. "I'm....what?" I replied with shock. "You're about 1-2 weeks pregnant, Mrs. Caniff." My doctor smiled at me. "I can't believe this. I'm so happy right now. And my husband is about to be more happier." I smiled. "Is your husband with you?" He asked. "Yes, we came here straight from the airport." I replied. "Well, let's bring him in and tell him." My doctor said as we went to the waiting room to get Taylor. "Welcome, Mr. Caniff." Dr. Crawford said as he shook hands with Taylor and Taylor stood next to me. "So, the reason why I brought you back here is because your wife has something to tell you." Dr. Crawford said. Taylor looked at me and I stood up in front of him. "Babe, I'm pregnant. You're going to be a Daddy!" I smiled with so much excitement. "Wait, are you serious?" Taylor said with shock as he looked at me, then at my doctor. "It's true, Mr. Caniff. The tests say it all. Your wife is about 1-2 weeks pregnant." Dr. Crawford said. Taylor looked back at me and just hugged me. He then grabbed my face and kissed my forehead. Dr. Crawford left the room to tend to his other patients, and we slowly followed after him.

We got in the car and drove back to our apartment. When we arrived at the place, we set the luggages on the side and shut the door and just looked at each other and couldn't stop smiling. "Babe, I still can't believe that we're having a baby!" Taylor said as he hugged me tightly. "I can't believe it either, babe. I'm honestly so happy, and I can't wait to see what this baby is going to grow up to be." I smiled. "Well, I know for sure that our baby is going to grow as strong and confident as you are." Taylor smiled as he kissed my forehead. For the rest of our day, I didn't really want to go anywhere, and I just wanted to rest, so we just sat down on the couch and watched Netflix all day.

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