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When you woke up, for the third time, you were calmer.

No one was in the room but your "body" was on. You swung your legs over the bed and slid off the bed on the floor. You heard both of your feet hit the floor. The noise shook you. it was quiet, extremely quiet. Not what you were expecting at all.

It took you a bit to balance on your new leg. There was something a bit.... off about it, it was too powerful.

As soon as you were stable you began to walk to the door. The door automatically slid open.

Wait... do I even have clothes on? I mean, you were mostly robot but still...  You looked down and saw that you had shorts on and a t-shirt. You also saw that you were even less human than you thought.

What you thought was a real leg wasn't, and your arm had a robotic hand.

You breathed deeply in an attempt to calm yourself. This is my life now.

You continued to walk out of the room. You walked down a hallway until it stopped and spilt into two. You looked down at both of them and one had a light coming from a room at the end of it so you decided to walk there.

As you got closer you could hear laughter and talking.

"Do you guys hear those pitter-patter steps?" You hear a British woman ask. You weren't aware of the so-called "pitter-patter" sound you made until now. it made sense

You stepped into the room to see a table with many people at it. They were all eating pancakes and talking.

"Um.... hello?" You said. Everyone turned to look at you. For a second you thought you were in trouble because they all had a very serious look on their faces but then they all had smiled on their faces. They all welcomed you. You felt at home.

You sat at an empty seat at the table.

"Love aren't you hungry? Get some food!" The British lady said.

"Mm no not really." You responded, smiling nicely at her.

"You'd think sleeping that long would make a person hungry."

You were confused now. How long were you out?

"W-what do you mean? How long was I out?" You asked looking at Mercy specifically.

"Well, a little over a month. But that's normal." Mercy said.

Normal? I don't think there's anyone like me so how would she know that it's normal? You thought to yourself.

"Plus, Tracer, don't you see that they have less human limbs? That means that she won't need to eat as much."


Just another reminder that I am not human...

"Oh, Y/N, I did not mean it like that." Mercy says.

"Yes Y/N! She was just saying that you have less.... um that you.... " Winston started saying.

"It's fine..." you say looking down at your lap.

"Is there anywhere that I could rest?" You ask.

"Yes, D. Va why don't you show her"

A girl who looked very young got up from her chair and ran towards you.

"Hello! Nice to meet you! I am Hana Song and I think we will be best friends. Follow me!" She grabbed your hand and pulled you to your room.

She showed you to your room and left you to get settled. It was a plain room for now. Dark blue walls and a hard grey floor. The bed was large and looked comfortable. You looked around to find a dresser on the right of the bed.

You open the drawers to find a sweater, sweatpants, shorts, and a t-shirt all with the overwatch logo on it.

You got changed into the sweat pants and sweater which were surprisingly very comfortable.

You flopped on the bed and in a matter of seconds, you fell asleep.

Just Like You [Genji x Reader]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن