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It was a normal day in Hanamura, Japan. It was your day off... well week off. You needed to lay low after assassinating someone in Korea. As usual, the authority is undertrained and can't catch you.  You had successfully escaped the scene and caught a boat to Japan.

Hanamura was actually your hometown. You got your skills from training with the most skilled men in the Shimada clan. They wanted you to go on with the clan and possibly marry the eldest son of the leader. You had met the boy a few occasions and he seemed rather cold.

His name was Hanzo. He didn't like you but he didn't dislike you either.

Today you were just doing some walking around and reminiscing, nothing too touristy though. You remember being happy, when you thought of back then there was simplicity and a warm glow to the memories. There was an old lady who would treat you with candies every now and then. She wouldn't be alive now though.

It was later in the evening when you decided to go to the bar and get a drink. You had a beer or two, not enough to make you smash drunk, but you were a little off since you didn't drink that much.

When you were outside of the bar your phone dinged. It was a message from a person that often assisted you in assassinations (the background information/stalking).

Assistant: Be careful, for some reason overwatch is in town. Don't let them see you.

Overwatch has tried many times to recruit you. Sometimes they even go as far as kidnapping you. They were all about rehabilitation blah blah blah. Let's face it if they had someone like you on their side they would be trying to arrest you or kill you.

Ugh, now I have to take a back alley to my hotel  you thought to yourself. You remembered your way around the town from when you were younger. You couldn't remember it vividly but whenever you pissed off one of the clan higher-ups you would dash through the alleyways, even though you were punished accordingly every time.

As you walked you couldn't help but feel like you were being watched. Shit you thought, I knew I shouldn't have been this lax. You quickened your pace wanting to leave the strip of alleyway you were in and out into the open. Was it Overwatch? one of their crazy stunts again?

??? POV


"We have found her"

"Ready to engage"

Your POV

The further you walked the louder you could hear footsteps. Eventually you broke into a run. It was short-lived as you were tackled to the ground.

"Y/N L/N! You have killed '******'. Any last words?!"

"W-what?! I haven't killed anyone here! I'm on vacation!"

"Don't play stupid! We know what you did! The Shimada clan knew it was you the moment it happened."

You looked at the man like he had six heads. The Shimada clan?!

"What?! No! I used to be in the Shimada clan why would I harm them?"

You tried your best to reason with them but they wouldn't listen. They kidnapped you and brought you to the centre of the town.

They apparently thought it was appropriate to kill you in front of everybody. The town feared the clan so of course, nobody would stand up to them. In fact, they wanted this to be a message, to not interfere with the Shimada Clan. You knew that the clan had gone downhill since the murder of the younger brother... you couldn't quite remember his name, but really how evil had they grown?

They did it with a dull sword. Slicing into you without hesitation. It was unbearable. Eventually you stopped making noise. Everything was getting dark and muffled.

Suddenly, you heard crashes and yelling. You could barely make out what was happening as you lay on the ground. There was....

Overwatch? god I knew they would appear eventually

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