Chapter 8- Drunken Games

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~Beca's POV~ 

We all quickly ran inside the shutters before the walkers could get too close for comfort. We all gazed around the brightly lit room, as we looked around the room my eyes were drawn to an open doorway which was quickly filled by a man holding a gun, we all raised our weapons to him.

"Anybody infected?" He called to us.

"One of our group was... He didn't make it" Rick said referring to Jim. The man started edging his way down a set of stairs towards us.

"Why're you here? What do you want?" He questioned.

"A chance" Rick answered.

"That's asking an awful lot these days..."

"I know." We all waited for what seemed like a lifetime for the man to answer but in reality it was only a few seconds.

"You'll all submit to a blood test, that's the price of admission." The man informed us.

"We can do that." Replied Rick. 

"You've got stuff to bring in you do it now, once that door closes it stays closed." The man stated.

Rick, Daryl, Shane and I ran outside and grabbed our belongings, Daryl and I ran to the truck and the threw me his crossbow while he grabbed our bags and I took the gun bag and remaining guns from Shane, once we had everything we ran back inside.

"Rick Grimes." Rick said holding his hand out to the man.

"Doctor Edwin Jenner." The man replied shaking Rick's hand.

As we made our way down a long corridor I was walking next to Glenn, that was until someone grabbed my arm and pulled me to the back of the group. Glenn turned around to see Daryl drop his grip on my arm and I mouthed sorry to him before turning my head to Daryl.

"What the hell?" I whispered so I didn't draw attention to us.

"I need to talk to you later. Alone." He said.

We all crammed our way into the small elevator Jenner had just led us to.

"Doctor's always go 'round packin' heat like that?" Daryl asked.

"Well, there were plenty left lying around so I familiarised myself." Jenner said.

After a moment of silence Jenner said: "Well you look harmless enough... except you" He said looking at Carl "I'll have to keep my eye on you" He joked causing us all to smirk.

We exited the lift and were walking down yet another long corridor.

"Are we underground?" Carol asked Jenner.

"You Claustrophobic?" Jenner called back to her

"A little.." Carol confessed.

"Try not to think about it." Jenner said trying to comfort her.

We entered a room filled with computers and Jenner called out to someone, all of a sudden the room was filled with light.

"Welcome to Zone 5." Jenner announced to us. 

Jenner explained to us that he was the only person left at the CDC but did not go into details why. We walked into the room where Jenner would take our blood samples and I sat right at the back in the corner. Truth be told; I've always hated needles and blood so this was going to be like living in hell for me.

Carl walked over to me after having his test and sat next to me, I tried my best to hid my panicking expression but I clearly wasn't doing a very good job of it.

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