Chapter 15- Guns and Chickens

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~Beca's POV~

Breakfast had been made and the rest of the group were slowly filing their way into the house, I pulled Shane and Rick to one side to let them know what Hershel had said.

"Hershel has said it's fine to set up the shootin' range and that it's also okay for Maggie, Beth and Jimmy to join but he wants us to make it very clear that jus because we're settin' this up and givin' people the opportunity to learn doesn' mean people can carry guns around in camp. Hershel said if he sees anyone carryin' then he's kickin' them off his land" Shane rolled his eyes.

"You serious?! What're we meant to do if a herd comes through the farm? It's all well and good us knowing how to shoot but without guns it's useless"

"Shane, we need to take this one step at a time" Rick stated "Getting Hershel used to the idea of guns being needed or even training is an achievement, I'm not saying I don't agree but we need to respect his decision and take this slow otherwise we could be out on the road again and then what do we do? We've got two kids to look after, we need this" 

"We'll talk to him about it gradually Shane but he needs reassurance that we're going to respect what he wants, he could change his mind on his own for all we know but for now we need to jus let this play out. Besides, he's said we can't carry not that we can't have them on the property so in the event a herd comes through we'll still be ready" I said trying to reassure Shane that this was for the best. 

Shane sighed but nodded in agreement and  went to sit down for breakfast, Rick was about to walk over to the table too but I stopped him.

"Rick wait, there's somethin I need to talk to you about. It could be nothin but I need to tell someone..." 

"What's up?" 

"When I went to speak to Hershel, I brought up the fact I'd noticed some of the Chickens had been goin missin, he got real shady about it which isn't like him at all, I mean it could be nothin but it could be somethin and I don't really know what to do about it." Rick looked puzzled as to why I was bothering him with something as insignificant as the number of chickens on the farm but none the less he still listened.

"I can see where you're coming from Becs but we shouldn't jump to any conclusions, keep an eye on him and I guess the chickens and other animals too but it could be nothing" Rick said trying to take the matter seriously. We both went an sat down for breakfast and waited until everyone had food on their plates to make the announcement. Rick stood up with me and Shane either side of him. 

"Guys, can you listen up for a sec. Hershel has kindly given us permission to set up a shooting range a couple mies down the road" Rick started

"All of ya'll need to learn how to use a gun safely, it's all well and good being able to pull a trigger but what good is it going to do if you hit a walker in the shoulder? Maggie, Beth and Jimmy, Hershel has given you permission to join us if you wish" Shane continued. Hershel intently looked at me, waiting to give the group the conditions to this. 

"This doesn' mean the rules are changin'. We should all be grateful to Hershel for allowin' us this opportunity and in return we should all respect his wishes that no guns are to be carried on the property." I said sternly. At this point Hershel stood up. 

"I know some of you may find this strange, why learn to use them if you can't carry them but I need you to respect this. If you don't then you're out. I understand some of you may not feel safe if no one is allowed to carry a weapon and it's for that reason I have compiled a small list of those I will be allowing to carry their weapons. Rick, Shane, Dale, Beca, Daryl and Glenn will all be allowed to carry their weapons, that way there will be three people staying down at camp and three in the house." Hershel then sat down. Jake scoffed over this comment. 

"Something to say son" Hershel turned to my brother. Do not fuck this up Jake, I swear to God. 

"Nothin' apart from the fact I've probably got better trainin in the use of weapons than all of them bar the feds and yet I'm not allowed to carry, jus seems a little ridiculous to me."

"If you don't like it you know where the door is, this is my decision and it's not changing, those six and those six only, that's my final word on the matter." Hershel stated sharply. Jake looked as though he was about to argue so I shot him a look and he quickly changed his mind. 

After everyone was done with breakfast we all filed out of the door to the cars with the exception of Hershel and Dale who stayed to keep him company. Rick, Lori, Carol and the two kids drove up to the range in one car, Glenn,  Maggie, Jimmy and Beth  took the RV while T-dog, Andrea and Jake took another.

"Becs, you got a ride?" Shane called over.

"She does now." Daryl said pulling me over to him. 

"Ya'll realise I'm not a toy you and Shane can fight over,  right? I'm not your possession Daryl and I'm capable of makin' the decision of who to ride with on my own." With that  I walked over to Shane's jeep and hopped into the passenger seat. Shane smirked over at Daryl. 

"And you can stop too. Get in the fuckin car and let's go" Shane got in and started the car, we began the short drive up to the range with Daryl riding along side the jeep ridiculously close to the passenger side of the car. What does he think's going to happen? Shane isn't going to kidnap or we're not going to suddenly change course and drive off into the sunset together! Why do I even bother with these two? I should've tagged along in Rick's car like Carl asked me to. 

And that's another chapter done! Sorry I haven't updated in so long, I just haven't really had time :c I'll try to update more often though :) As usual, some questions for you all:

~Daryl or Shane, who will she choose?

~Will Beca let go of chickengate?

~Will all go smoothly down at the shooting range? I mean an angry Redneck and a police officer- sounds like the recipe for disaster...

~And the big question; which characters am I not killing off? Take your guesses now! There's at least two that die in the series that I will DEFINITELY not being killing but maybe more to come. 

Thank you for sticking with the story! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2016 ⏰

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