Chapter 1- Camp

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As the growls behind me got fainter and fainter I decided maybe now would be a good time to check my ammo; three bullets but on the plus side I still have all my arrows, okay, not doing too badly then.

Just as I was about to sling my crossbow over my shoulder, I heard it, the faint snapping of a twig- I quickly loaded my crossbow and began to scan the area around me. "Woah, Woah, Woah! Don't shoot!"

I cautiously began to lower my crossbow, that was now pointed in to be honest a very attractive man's face. "What's your name darlin'? How comes you're out here all alone?"

I stared at the man for a moment, unsure whether or not to trust him I went with my gut and answered his questions. "I'm Beca, Beca Davies, I don't have a group, it's always juss been me since this whole madness started. What about you? Are you alone?"

"the name's Shane Walsh, I've got a group, about half a mile away, if you're alone, you could always join us, we've got plenty of room."

I looked carefully at Shane's expression, it seemed genuine enough I guess. "I don't know, I wouldn't want to be a burden, I'll be fine on my own don't worry."

I turned to walk away when Shane's hand fell gently around my wrist, "no, no, you wouldn't be a burden, I insist, I'm sure the group would love to have you, I can't let you go on your own, it's too dangerous out there to be alone. At least give it a try, you never know, you might like it"

Shane smiled at me as he saw from my face I was slowly changing my mind. "Okay, I'll give it a try but I don't really play well with others."


As Shane and I were walking back to his camp we started talking about what we did before the world went to shit. "Used to be a cop, my partner got shot not long before the outbreak or whatever you wanna call it, he died."

"oh Shane I'm so sorry to hear that!" I exclaimed as I saw the pain run over his face.

"I got his wife and son out, least I could do for him- I miss him though, he was a good guy. Lori and Carl are the only people I have left now that Rick's gone." Shane hung his head as he recalled the memories of his dead partner, I couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy.

"What about you? What did you do before all this shit?"

"Nothing much really, I juss travelled around, my Father taught me to shoot when I was little and my brother taught me to use my bow, neither of them made it as far as I'm aware, our house got over run and I didn't wait around to find out what happened to them." A small tear formed in my eye as i spoke of my brother Jake, he was the only real family I had.

"Sorry to hear that." Shane put a comforting hand on my shoulder as he saw the tear in my eye.

After a few moments silence we walked into the clearing and almost immediately a small boy- couldn't of been much older than 12 ran up to Shane "You're back!" He exclaimed as he embraced Shane for a hug.

"c'mon, I'll introduce you to everyone- this is Carl" he said motioning to the small boy wrapped around him.

"Hey Carl, I'm Beca." I said smiling down at the boy, as he smiled back at me a rough looking man approached Shane and grunted.

"Who's the chick?" He asked motioning towards me.

"That's Beca, she's going to be joining the group, found her in the woods on her own."

"Cool crossbow." I said nodding towards the bow he had slung over his shoulder.

"You shoot?" He asked, clearly noticing the crossbow on my back.

"No, it's just for show" I retorted sarcastically causing a small chuckle from Shane and a slight grin edged it's way onto the man's face.

"The name's Daryl Dixon"

"Beca Davies" I said smiling at the man in front of me. I thought Shane was hot, but this guy is a whole new level.

"Well if these twats bore you with their cleaning, ya'll can come huntin' with me if ya want, can ya track?" He inquired.

"Yeah, I'm pretty decent I guess, thanks for the offer, I may have to take you up on it some time." With one last grunt Daryl then walked away as Shane led me round to meet the rest of the group, as we were going round he explained to me that some of them were on a run to the city so weren't here at the moment so he told me about them instead. From what he had told me I think I liked Glenn the best, he seemed really cool and down to earth but out of the people at camp I already had a bit of a bond with Carl, even though there was 11 years between us I could tell we'd be pretty good friends.


So that's the first chapter done :)

I hope you enjoyed it!

So what do you guys think-

Will Beca and Shane stay friends or will her opinion on her change?

Will she make any enemies in camp?

How will Daryl find Beca and Shane being close friends?

Please vote, comment and follow!

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