MINE - Prologue

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"She's so beautiful."

Those were the words that left his mouth as he stared at the girl in awe trying to figure out why he hadn't noticed her before. Was she new? He didn't know but all he knew was that he was captivated by her beauty.

"Do you know her name?" he asked his friend who just shrugged, he didn't seem to know her name.

"Don't know."

He turned his attention off of his friend and turned it towards the girl whose name he didn't know but eagerly wanted to find out. He hoped she wasn't taken but he knew a girl like her just had to be, it would be a miracle if she was single and an advantage for him to sweep her of her feet when she least expected it. Well at least that's what he thought.

"I guess I'll have to find out." he said before heading to class hoping she would be there but he didn't get his hopes up.

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