CHAPTER 37: I Have Information!

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Sarah's prov.

I'm currently in my room laying on my bed thinking about everything that's been going on.
Seeing Jack was a lot harder than I thought it would be. It was so great time see all of them together and feeling well.
It hurts not be able able to tell them what's all going on, and knowing that they're upset with me that I'm not spending anytime with them an barely speaking to them anymore...I just wish I could tell them the truth, it'd make everything so much easier.
Than not to mention the messages from Dale! My god, I don't know how much more I can take... I have to call Derek.
I sat up and took my phone out of my pocket and started to dial in Derek's number. It's time to get this done and over with.

Derek "hello? Sarah?"

Me "Derek? Thank God you picked up"

Derek "why? What's wrong? Is it Phil? His grandfather? Are ou okay!?"

Me "yes I'm....(I cleared my throat) I'm okay, I have some I formation that may help with catching him though"

Derek "really!? I'll be right over....want to meet in the park by Carlos Hut?"

Me "for sure, see you in 10"

We said our byes and I got ready to head off to the park by Carlos Hut, thank you John for recording their Conversation.
I messaged John to send me the recording so I could show Derek.
He wanted to be there but he knows that no one is supposed to know what's been happening and the reason that I'm actualy with him...besides the fact if him hurting my friends and family. I'm very thankful to him for keeping all of this a secret.
I get to the park and see Derek sitting on the bench. I'm about to walk over to him, but stop when I remember the message from Dale
"were always watching you"
I go back abit and call Derek again to tell him to meet at an abandon building on Bird Lane Rd.
We both left and I took a long way  taking a bunch of turns to lose whomever is watching me, than cut away into the building and see Derek standing there by a post.
I walked up to him while looking around at all my surroundings making sure I didn't see anyone else here besides us two.
"Derek?" I ask, he turns around and looks at me as relizeation washes over his face "dear good lord!, you scared the hell out of me Sarah, I thought something happened to you" he said, I gave him a weak smile which he returned.
"So, you said you have I formation that may help?" He asks me "yeah! I had some help getting it in a way....." I said excitedly but the last part was mumbled "you told someone about our plan??" He asked...nervous? "Yes and no.....when I was with Phil one day, when he threw me on to the coach, I butt dialed John.....when Phil yanked me up is when John answerd....he heard me grunting to get out of Phil's grip and heard Phil said that he has people watching me at all times so he knows that I had gone to Visit Jack when he was in hospital and I tried to denied it but sense he knew the truth he knew I was lieing so he slapped me and I fell to the floor with a thud noise...An-" I explain but was cut off by Derek,
"Wait! He's been abusing you!? Why didn't you say anything??" He says/asks worried and mad at Phil "because if I told anyone than the plan would've been blown...." I say looking towards my feet "hasn't anyone noticed?" He asked "well....I've been using makeup to cover the bruises and cuts and try not to limp or show pain....." I explain and his eyes widen, "limping? How bad is this that he has made you limp?" He asked "nothing specifically to my happens more when he slaps me hard enough for me to spin to the side falling over while twisting my ankle, or when he grabs my arm and practically dags me around to 'follow' him. but that's beside the I said, I have information on how to help this case, but we don't have much more time until they find me again" I say as, he looks both confused and worried.
I played the recording that John made and as he listened he looked more in a cheerful mood.


"Don't you use that tone on me young man"
"Gramps. It's hard enough keeping what you originally did from her. Let. It. Go."
I heard a sigh "look son, I'm trying to keep my patients here, she has always the one. Her sister was supposed to be for leverage to get her instead" "Really? Leverage? It didn't sound like leverage up in my room hearing her screams from the basement!!?"
"it was the only way to get her to shut up! If she kept hollering the cops would've found her."
"so it's okay for you to beat on Martha but it's a sin to you when I hit Sarah!?"
"Yes it is! As much as I love you and want you and me to be close and you to be like me, I don't want you to be getting in to bad habits of abusing things"
"f*** this, I'm done."
"Philip Young! Come back here now!"
(door slam.)
Recording over.

After the recording was done Derek had an expression of shocked, anger and joy, yet he was seeming speechless.
"What do you think? Will this work?" I ask hopeful after a minute of silence, he just looked at me as a smiled spread out across face,
"this is amazing! I'm glad it's over and done with and you don't have to put up with him....why didn't you tell me he was doing this to you though?"
"I don't know....I guess it was because I hoped he would've changed, and maybe that if you found out than you would've called it off..." I said a tad quietly.
He sighed, "your probably right....I probably would have called it off. When you said 'I thought he would've changed' what did you mean?" He asked,
"me and Phil dated before, back before he moved away so around middle school, he would be really nice than all of the sudden I'd say something and he'd freak out and hit me....I think it happened when he got in to deep with the gang he was with...thats the main the reason why we kept running from him. When he showed up at the party that was the first I seen him on such a long time, I thought he would've forgotten about me, guess not eh...." I finish
"Oh my, Sarah...if I knew Phil was like that I would've suggested a different plan" he says
"did you have another plan?" I ask knowingly,
he stayed quiet for a bit "no...but I could've came up with on quick enough" he says
"it's okay, it done how long till you hear back from your contact??" I ask him desperately hoping it's soon
"It should be soon, this is a case me and them have not taken lightly, I'll make sure to put a thorough rush on it though" he tells me and so nodded my head.
There is silence for a bit so I decided to speak up and ask the question that's now been on my mind. " should I go about with Phil till I hear back from you?"
He looks up to me with I sigh "go as you have been I guess, when you get a call from me I'll tell you how to Handel it from there"
"Okay.... I got to go, but you have my number and only contact me if it's an emergency or your ready, also when we talk wisper and when we meet it has to be secluded abandoned place got it" I say
"Wha- why?" He asks sternly yet worried,
"I got a text the other day pretty much saying that they're always watching me....I got to be careful, once I leave you leave 20 minuets after okay, got it?" I tell him
"this not sounding safe at all....maybe we should call it off..." he trails
"NO! We both have gone through to much to back out now, we continue with thus plan until the end." I tell him sternly.
It's true he has spent all these years working on this case and I have been hit too many times to give up now.
If he backs out I'll carry on myself. We WILL get Martha back one way or another.
He looks at me shocked at first but than nods "very well....just.., be careful"
"I will, and you as well, talk soon" I say and make my way out.

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