1. Nancy

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  "Hey George, it's me, Nancy. I need a ride to Dad's office. Please? Thanks! You're the best. Uhh huh. Bye. See ya in five."

Sometimes I am so glad she doesn't ask too many questions. Since I crashed my car last week, it's been in the shop for what seems like forever. Actually, I didn't crash it. Marco Vincetty, my latest villain conked me on the head while I was driving so I lost control just enough that my foot slipped. I began rolling down a hill (which ended in a forest) while I tried to grab the guy with my other hand ( that wasn't driving.) Let's just say my car paid in the end along with Vincetty. All the money he stole was returned and justice was served. Perfect ending, right?

Now, Dad wants me at his office ASAP. That's why I called George Fayne, one of my best friends, who happens to not mind driving me places. I just have to find my flip flops and grab my bag and go.


I find my shoe in my mess of a room at the same time that impatient George begins to honk. I rush down the steps and out the door before Hannah Gruen, our housekeeper or my puppy can stop me. To my surprise, it is not George's beat up, junkyard, fixer- upper truck but a newer model Mustang awaiting me. Bess. I should have known George wouldn't get up on a summer morning, least of all this early. I walk backward and check the clock above our door frame. At 8:50 there's no way George got out if bed. I dash to the car.

"Hey, sleepyhead." Bess Marvin, George's blonde, spunky cousin and my other best friend, calls out. "I heard I was wanted. Do you finally want to take me up on that shopping spree?"

Confused, I slide into the passenger seat. " No, Bess. George didn't tell you why your here?"

" George called earlier and told me you were going to the store and needed a ride." George! I guess I should have thought before asking her. Because, no, she didn't make that up. She seriously believes I am going to the store. She is simply that zoned when she is "asleep".

"Bess, Dad needs me down at his office, like right now fast. Bess doesn't say a word just places her coffee in the cup holder and floors the accelerator. That's one thing I love about her. Say a magic word in my sentence like Dad, clue, culprit, get away, etc she listens. Of course, she also listens to words like jewelry, boys, makeup, and clothes. Speaking of clothes, she really rocked her outfit today. She had on a green and white striped tank with a perfectly matching green cardigan. Her dark, probably designer, jeans we're skinny but still complimented her curves. The silver sandals she wore really said, Bess. Match it with her long, wavy hair, blue eyes and just enough mascara, lipstick and jewelry she was set for more like a night in New York City rather than Dad's neat, cream-colored office space downtown. I decided to let my imagination take me places as I gazed out the window. What did Dad want? Did he have something as big as a new mystery or something tiny like a needed lunch delivery?

Suddenly a hand stopped my daydreaming. Bess had apparently parked outside Dad's office and was looking like she was in a bigger rush to get going then I was.

"Come on, Nance. Let's get you going."

"What is the big rush?" I ask as a step out into the bright sunlight.

"Conner just texted me and asked if I would have lunch and go to the movies with him and he wants me now. I'm not even dressed for that! I look like I just got out of bed." I pop my sunglasses over my eyes to hide my amusement from Bess. Bill Conner was Bess's new boyfriend who I am sure thinks she looks like a supermodel no matter what. She calls him by his last name because 'Conner sounds much cuter than Bill.' I step up on the curb and wave bye to Bess. I am glad she is excited because my boyfriend, Ned Nickerson, and I haven't even seen each other in eons. Between his news reporting job and my sleuthing gigs, we don't have much spare time for dating.

Pawns & Enemies: A Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now