Chapter Six

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Author's note: Okay, so I had a major anxiety attack (been having those for a while tbh) about how I don't know what I'm doing with my life/ I'm not good at anything/ I will never find a job. You know, the usuall. So I ditched studying (even though I have a test tomorrow) and I've decided I needed to do something I don't feel like a complete failure about. And it happnes to be this story. So here icomes Chapter Six. If you're reading this and like it, please, please leave a comment. It would mean a WORLD to me right now. I am serious. And if you have similar anxiety overloads, share that too.

Chapter Six

"Right, since the payments are all sorted out, I'd like everybody to sit down. Buddies together, of course," Chris's said in a raised voice. "Now, we'll talk about the events and missions we got planned for y'all."

I exchanged belligerent looks with Logan and we sat down at the nearest table. He was still glaring at me when he grabbed a cupcake and bit into it. I didn't know you could eat cupcakes looking grudgingly, but Logan did just that. We kept the staring contest up for few more seconds until Lena took the stage and we turned to listen to her.

"The Buddy Mission is not only about hanging out during lunch breaks and going to parties. We want you to really bond, while having fun." I smirked, thinking I would definitely have fun torturing Logan. "So we have prepared two kinds of activities that, hopefully, will turn you into genuine friends by the end of the program. First, there are scheduled events, which will take place every two weeks, usually during the weekends so everyone will be able to participate. You'll find all the dates on the schedules Amanda is handing out right now. Please, take notice of them and plan your other activities accordingly. It's important that everyone participates and no one is left without a buddy."

I watched as Amanda, with Ashley and Audrey, started going around handing out the schedules. When I got mine I skimmed through it noticing that group cooking and barbecue were the closest dates. I shuddered. I didn't even realize how much of my time this 'fun' was going to take. I looked up and searched for Ryan. He was sitting few tables away from me; next to him was a petite brunette who, I assumed, was his buddy. She didn't look older than sophomore year. God, how I wanted to be in her place right now. All those dreadful activities would sound so exciting if I was to share them with Ryan.

 "But every week there also will be one surprise mission," Lena kept talking. "No one will know when, you'll get a text with a task to complete. And to complete the mission, you'll have to post a photo on the Buddy Program facebook page as a proof. Depending on the task, the couple who posts the picture first or gets the most likes, will win a small prize. Something like tickets to movies or a voucher to Starbucks."

"But that's not the best part," Chris took the stage again. "Because your money will help our school’s generations-to-come, we, the current senior class, have decided to give something back to you. So the couple that becomes best buddies by the end of the program will get a sponsored trip to the Six Flags Amusement Park in Vallejo, California."

On that, people started gasping and squealing, while I sat there stunned at how well this whole thing was planned out. Now I understood why principal Simmons would green light this project - it wasn't merely a matchmaking scheme, it was a genuine attempt to spark new friendships.

I shot a glance at Logan who was watching Chris intently. Then I looked at Ryan, and then Hugo, who was sitting close to where my sister stood. These were going to be some weird-ass two months, I thought. 


When I got home, the only thing I wanted to do was to get a long bath and then go to sleep, which was the only option to, kind of, unplug from all the thinking my brain was doing.     My parents were cuddling on the couch, watching TV. My mom had her long legs curled up and dad's arm wrapped around her slender waist. Seriously, I had no idea why my genes were so messed up. Mom and Lena had bodies like potential models, while I was not only shorter but also more muscular. I wasn't big in any way, but I sure felt like it when I stood next to Lena or mom.

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