When his heart stopped beating

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When his boyfriend's heart had stopped Castiel Novak felt like his heart had stopped beating as well. He felt like he was dying right with his beautiful boyfriend, he felt like he couldn't breathe any more. His surroundings were unimportant right now, all he could concentrate on was that his boyfriend was dead.

But then the heart monitor started beeping again.

It felt like a dream to him, a pretty perfect dream though. Would things be alright in the end? He hoped so – his boyfriend was his whole life. Those months they had known each other felt like a life time, it felt like all the time before he had met the two Winchesters had been too long ago, like it hadn't even been this life where he hadn't known Dean and Sam Winchester.

Still, he had to consider that things still weren't great, that Dean's life still was in danger and that Dean could die after all.

He shouldn't think about this. Dean's heart was beating. Dean would pull through this and they would get their happy ending eventually.

At least he hoped so. He couldn't be sure, Dean had been so sure he would die but somehow still had survived whatever had happened. Maybe he would survive all of this and would get to see forever with his boyfriend by his side.

Things would never be easy for them though. Dean was paralysed, was haunted by his past, would always have those scars. They would never be able to live the life they both had wanted, they had to choose a different life because of John Winchester.

It didn't mean that Cas would love Dean any less. Cas would do anything for his boyfriend, he just loved him with everything he had and he was set on showing that. He would show Dean that he was beautiful, even with all those scars. He would make sure that Dean knew that he didn't need to walk to be able to be an amazing human being.

It would take a long time for Dean to heal and some scars would never fade away but they would be together and that was important, wasn't it?

What did it matter that Dean would be in a wheelchair? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

It would be incredibly shallow if Cas decided that being with someone in a wheelchair wasn't something for him and it would probably destroy whatever trust Dean had in people. Also, it would take away a big part of his support system because Cas and Sam were the most important people in Dean's life. Without them he wouldn't be the same.

But would things ever be the same again?

Probably not. They all would act differently. They all would have to learn to live with Dean's disability, they would all have to learn what to do, how to deal with the scars of the past months.

John Winchester had managed to change all of them – probably not for the better. But they were together till the end (A/N: OF THE LINE YOU FUCKING BASTARDS) and they would get through this together and rise from the ashes like phoenixes because Cas wouldn't allow himself to give up – and he wouldn't allow anybody else to give up either. They would get through this, no matter what it would take. They were strong enough to do this.

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