Most To Least Favorite Signs

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Personal Experience bby. I stole the idea btw.

1. ♍️Virgo - They're overall the best ppl in the world.

2. ♎️Libra - They don't fuss, and I love them.

3. ♐️Sagittarius - They're the kind of friends you want.

4. ♉️Taurus - So cute and always so kind.

5. ♒️Aquarius - Very effin enthusiastic and imaginative.

6. ♋️ Cancer - So sweeeeeeet.

7. ♈️Aries - Bold. My kind of guy.

8. ♌️Leo - I like me, but I also HATE me. I'm a Leo.

9. ♓️Pisces - They're mainly awesome ppl, but I don't know many.

10. ♊️Gemini - They're dope, but....

11. ♏️Scorpio - They're TOO bold TOO often.

12. ♑️Capricorn - I've not yet met a pleasant one.

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