Mini Boss 1 - Green Variant Wizzrobe

Start from the beginning

Without waiting for the wizzrobe to regain its composure, Link drew his sword again, his bow catching on a new hook on his sword belts. He jumped, his sword out and arching down until it collided with the crumpled monster on the ground, quickly followed by a flurry of sword strikes. No matter how hard Link's sword hit, the monster didn't bleed and cut. It winced in pain, but there was no wound. Link was grateful at least that he would be spared the gore. One small blessing about these conjured monsters and their magical origins.

The wizzrobe shook its head as it pushed up off the ground. Link took the motion as his time to back away. Not a moment later the wizzrobe's wand erupted with a massive green push of magic, a ring of hard, grassy spears shooting out in all directions around the monster, Link inches away from the spears cutting him. It shouted again before vanishing into thin air.

In the seconds he had before the fight resumed, Link took the moment to take a deep breath. The fact that he had responded to the appearance of this monster by so quickly just jumping into action was concerning to him. Not that he had the time to have a deep analysis of himself, but he hadn't ever thought of himself as a violent person. The fact that he had so willingingly jumped into this fight, into all of these fights, was scaring him the longer he was in here. He could probably justify it as he was fighting for his life, yet Link didn't see that as being enough.

The wizzrobe appeared again, once more lashing out with its vine whip as it reconjured the plant. Link dodged the attacks, hopping left or right casually as he memorized the attack patterns of the wizzrobe. He kept his bow drawen, waiting patiently for a shot to line up.

When it did, he took it.

Once more, the monster collapsed from the arrow, crumpling back down onto the ground as the arrow vanished into the bulk of its robes. Link was launching himself through the air towards the monster before it had even hit the ground, though his attack landed perfectly.

After a few more seconds of his sword raking overing the wizzrobe's back, the monster began to rise up. Link took his cue to step back, narrowly dodging the ring of vine spears once more. The wizzrobe staggered as it stood up before floating limply into the air and vanishing once more, clearly injured from the repeated beatings. Link drew his bow again, his fingers running over the feathered end on the arrow as he curled his fingers around the drawstring and brought it back.

He wasn't even breathing heavily. When he had first learned to ride, he had been saddle sore for days. Even years later, that were days he would go home from helping clean stalls feeling stiff and sore. Yet this, medieval combat, came naturally. And the longer Link held these weapons in his hands, the more it felt wrong that it should be so easy for him to master them.

When the wizzrobe reappeared, he hardly waited to loose another arrow. It missed by a wide margin, clattering off in the distance. The wizzrobe, vine whip summoned again, took no time to knock Link off his feet, sending him tumbling across the floor until he collided with one of the bunks. The wood scraped against his forehead, a shallow wound open on his temple, followed by a slow trickle of blood over his eyebrow.

As Link pushed himself up with one hand, his other reached for his brow. He was fighting for his life. He could die down here, and no one would be the wiser. Well, they might put two and two together, but no one would be able to find him. Not with all the monsters. The Restoration certainly didn't seem to care one way or the other what happened to Link. They had plans for whether Link survived or not. What would happen if he died? To his family? To Dwarf?

Whatever the Restoration wanted, Link realized one thing. If he died, no one could save Dwarf. No one else had been here when it happened, when the Restoration had taken control of Dwarf's mind. No one else could defend the Gerudo for what happened to him.

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