Dungeon Chapter 2 - What Lies Below

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 ...into the dungeon below. The room he entered was dimly lit, only faintly illuminated by torch light. Link coughed as dust settle around him. How long had it been since this place had been disturbed? It had just been remade when the temple had been "restored." How could it already be covered in dust?

Pulling out his phone, Link made do with the built in flashlight. He hoped the battery would hold out on him. Or that he had his flashlight back from Dwarf, but it seemed that had gone with his friend as well. So Link would have to deal with this temporary solution.

At the far end of the entrance chamber was a door, old and heavy like something out of a castle. If Link hadn't been trapped down here, he might have rolled his eyes at the archaic design still standing. As it stood though, this was his only way forward.

On the other side of the door, more either more torches were lit or there was another source of light. All that mattered to Link was that he could see again. As he peaked his head out the door though, he would have preferred to not to, slowly sinking back behind the door for a moment as he processed what was waiting for him on the other side.

"Giant spiders," Link muttered to himself. "Why are there giant spiders?"

"Those are skulltulas," came the voice of the disc. "Their outer shell is incredibly dense, but their undersides are vulnerable."

"No, why are there giant spiders?" Link repeated. "Who in their right mind would make giant spiders?"

"These are a natural enemy of the Hero."

"Bull, they'd be an animal existing the wild if that was true," Link answered, gesturing emphatically at the door. He really hoped those weren't natural creatures. The idea of spiders that big just roaming the forests sounded terrifying. "Those are a creation and they are disgusting and I want to know why anyone would want to be in a room with giant spiders."

The Restoration didn't respond, leaving Link in silence. If Link didn't need to conserve his battery for the light, he might have searched for suggestions on what spiders were scared of. Then again, if a spider was as big as those were, he didn't think they would be scared of anything.

Staying close to the door, Link slipped through the doorway back into the room. The skulltulas didn't move from their perches on their cobwebs. They swung idly back and forth, though Link felt like at least one set of those thirty two eyes was on him. It seemed this disc really did expect him to fight with that sword. Link reached up to the hilt and slowly pulled it out of the sheath.

It was odd holding a weapon. The weight felt strange in his hand, but somehow familiar. If he had known what it meant, Link would have said the sword was balanced, not perfectly, but decently. He swung the blade down in an arc. Some reflex he didn't know stopped the blade before it hit the ground. Link held the sword up to his face, looking at his reflection in the blade. Why did this feel so familiar? Why was it so easy to use?

Who just hands a person a sword and sends them running off into a dungeon anyway? At least this had never happened when they were kids. Link couldn't imagine his ten year old self lasting long in here. If he was honest with himself though, he didn't see his twenty one year old self lasting long either.

"Am I just supposed to wander around here until something happens?" Link asked, taking a tenuous step forward. The closest skulltula lurched on its web, dropping down a bit before climbing back up. Link felt himself brace at the movement, his sword raising an inch in front of him as he prepared to guard.

"If I just back up, then the other two shouldn't drop," Link said, looked at the other corners of the room where the remaining skulltulas hung. Hopefully they wouldn't all target him at once.

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