6. Sarah

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It had been two weeks since I came back to tour. I didn't use my oxygen tank as an excuse to not do things. I used it to empower people that feel like they will never do what they love because of limitations.

We just finished the set and I was at meet and greet. The fan base has gotten larger since I bounced back from Cancer. Its as if playing bass and singing with a oxygen tank gives people hope.

There was a girl that wore a pink bandana on her head and a BVB t-shirt. She shyly walked up to me and the guys.

"Hello! How are you mam'?" I asked her.

"H-hi R-rayne...I'm Sarah... I'm fifteen...And I beat... Ummm Stage IV (four) leukemia last year.... I was... Uhhh... I was wondering.... Could I have a.... A picture... Please?"

"Of course. Anything for a fellow survivor!" I got up and walked my tank around the table.

"Who's gonna.... T-take the picture?" she asked me. I noticed she was looking over at Ashley.

"Hey, Ashie! Could you take a picture of me and Sarah?"

"Why... Soytenly." Ashley said in a funny voice.

He walked over and Sarah's eyes looked like they were going to pop out of her head.

As she handed him her phone it slipped form her fingers. Ashley caught it and smiled at her, causing her pale freckled face to go red.

Ashley took the picture, but it took longer than it should have. I also saw him smile, then stick his tounge out.

He handed her phone back and she whispered something.

"Parden?" Ashley asked.

"C-co-could I have a... a picture w-with all of y-you please?" she asked louder.

"I think that could be arranged." Ashley said with a devious looking smile. I shot him a look and he put his hands up in defeat.
He walked over and talked to the guys for a minute. They all walked over and Sarah looked like the happiest person in the world.

"Hello, Sarah. It's nice to meet you." Andy said as he hugged her. She looked like she was going to cry.

Dan took the picture this time. We stood side-by-side. Andy, CC and Jake stood on the right of her, while Ashley, Jinxx and I stood on the left.

After Dan had taken a few pictures, Sarah hugged me and started to cry.

"Ohhh.... What's wrong?" I asked her.

"I'm sorry.... I just really look up to you. Your My inspiration to keep on living. It's because of you guys that I am still alive." She said crying harder.

"Ohhh... Shhhh... Its okay. It's okay." I said rubbing her back.

"Hey... Can you do something for me?" I asked her.

She sniffed "sure."

"Can you sign my shirt?" I asked holding out a silver marker.

"Sure." she said laughing. She signed my Cancer shirt that I have been wearing constantly.

"Thanks!" I said as I hugged her again.

"I have to go... It was an honor to meet you."
She said hugging me.

"Sarah, I just want you to know something. I want you to know that I will never forget this. Ever. I also want you to know that when you are ever feeling depressed or alone, I will always answer any letters or tweets from you. Ok?"

She smiled while, she cried harder, nodding then left.

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