chapter 4: behold

Start from the beginning

"Ya Allah ! I know what I am going to do is wrong . I know very well , that my way of trying to correct things is wrong . It certainly is . But I don't know what else to do . I am nothing but a human . A human who can't think of anything more than a limit . But you Ya Allah , you are the lord of the universe . You know what's wrong and what's right . You know what is the best for us . I ask of you to guide us and help us out . My decision is to anyhow marry Inaya so as to be a son and help this family out . It was also my dear friend's last wish . Please help me Ya Allah . And I don't know if what I feel for Inaya is true . I know that it is something more than lust Allah . I know it's sincere . It's been for a long time now . Please help me out . I really wish to see her happy and that's all ."

Hafsa watched as he kept his hands raised up and silently kept praying . She had stood there , still gazing at him as traitor tears slipped down her eyes quickly . She wiped them away and kept looking at him .

She had wronged him greatly .

"What are you thinking ?" Faaris questioned glancing over at her from the wheel .

Hafsa didn't answer . "Just things ." She shrugged , her back still facing him .

"You've been zoned out . I've been talking for the last few minutes ." He told , glancing over her again .

"Care to tell me ?" He asked , his gaze fixed at the road .

"Nothing much ." She said quietly and he cringed internally . He sort of had made a guess , but it wasn't polite enough to be said aloud .

"I can't believe Inaya still hardly talks to you ." She confessed a little softly .

"It's Qadr Allah ." He managed to blurt out , trying to break the defeaning silence by saying anything .

The rest of the ride was quiet and without any discussion . Hafsa knew her words could have pricked him . Could have made him feel bad about it . But she couldn't exactly frame the words in a more polite manner .

She wished he made an attempt . But he only just decided to let her take the first step , and he wasn't about to change that .

As he pulled at the parking space towards the backyard door , Hafsa turned to Faaris .

"Jazak'Allah for the ride , akhuya ." She smiled and he gave her a curt nod . She swung the door shut after her and watched till the car disappeared down the road .

The backyard door was not let open most of the times and while she didn't want to walk all the way to the front she had no choice .

Grumpily , she slumped her shoulders and started to walk all the way around the house . She lazily kicked a small pebble on her way and as she lifted her leg to do so with another one , her eyes fell upon two girls and a guy arguing over some luggage bags on the sidewalk .

A few minutes later , the guy reeled a hand through his light brown hair huffing at the bags beside his legs .

He already had two large ones in his hands and then three other scattered around . The girls just walked in , and he sighed .

She didn't think she had any idea of who they were , but Inaya had called her at home to tell that Afra's aunt and cousins were arriving soon . She wasn't sure about it yet , but when she saw Elsa welcoming the girls in with brief hugs , she sighed with relief .

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