They Confess

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Yay, the chapter we've all been waiting for, when these usually emotionless Uchiha somehow confess their love for you! Sorry if these are a little OOC. Thank you for reading!


It was only a few days into summer, and you hadn't done anything yet, so you decided to go to the mall that day and possibly buy something. When you arrived it was really crowded had some trouble getting around. Finally, you saw a flower shop that wasn't filled with people so you decided to go there and figure out what to do next.

Pushing your way past people you sighed in relief to have at least a foot of space around you. Walking around you saw a large assortment of flowers, from roses to lillies. Seeming some sunflowers you leaned down and sniffed them, smiling to yourself.

You then walked down the last row and saw a familiar looking boy staring at the bouquets, rubbing his chin in thought. You walked up to him from behind, before hearing him mumble something.

"Naruto said she would like flowers? But which ones..." The raven haired boy mumbled. Your eyes widened realizing who it was. "Sasuke?" You questioned. Sasuke froze, his shoulders tensing slightly. He turned around with a hint of surprise on his usually emotionless face.

"(Name)... what are you doing here?" He asked looking to the side. You could sense his nervousness, which made you confused. "Oh, I came to shop here, but it was really crowded so I came to this store and you were here. What are you doing here anyway?" You asked. He got more nervous and avoided looking at your face.

"...I... was trying to get flowers... for a girl." He said and you were shocked. Did Sasuke like someone? "I can help you, if you want. Who is it?" You asked. Sasuke paused. "Well, she has really pretty eyes, and a smile that can't be missed," He explained, making you smile.

"Aw, that's so cute. Whoever she is is really lucky to have you," You said looking at the flowers again. Sasuke picked up a bouquet and held it out to you.

"It's you, (Name)."

Your heart almost stopped. "W-what?... Really?" You asked checking to see if this was a dream. Sasuke nodded.

"And all those things I said were about you. Will you... you know-" He said smiling a little. You smiled back lightly taking the flowers. "Of course." You said and hugged the Uchiha. Sasuke hugged back, burying his face in your shoulder. "I love you." He mumbled, making you laugh.

"I love you too."

(I feel like this is a little awkward because you're in the store but whatever)


You and Itachi decided to meet that weekend, so on Saturday you rushed and almost put your pants on backwards. Itachi was going to pick you up at your apartment, and was almost about to arrive. Suddenly you get a text from him, saying he was there. You rushed as quick as you could and put your shoes on, rushing out the door.

Walking out the double doors you recognized his car, and went over, opening the door when he smiled at you. You got in and smiled back sheepishly. "Sorry to keep you waiting, Itachi." You said giving an apologetic look.

Itachi waved his hand dismissing you. "No need. I would wait for you as long as it takes," He said making you blush slightly. He smiled, amused at your reaction. "So where to?" Itachi asked. "Oh, I guess we could get ice cream, if you wanted." You suggested. Itachi nodded. "Of course."

Itachi neared the small ice cream shop and you both got out, walking up to the window to order. As you were ordering you noticed Itachi staring at you. Looking his way, you noticed he turned away trying to hide it. "What is it?" You asked almost laughing.

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