THIRTYNINE ━ ❝joyous occasions❞

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          Birdie worked at her family's bookstore, as she always knew she would, and complained about it every time they met up. It didn't annoy Calypso, she craved the normalcy and the ability that – at least at the current moment – they could joke and complain about this.

          She and Lee were stronger than they were last year when they had to be long distance. The relationship flourished and Calypso truly was happy for them. Sloane and Fred were still together but Sloane looked more unhappy that happy most times they saw her so she could only theorize that they would break up in a couple of months.

          It was probably better that way; they had too many problems and if they weren't happy, why should they stay together? But Sloane wanted to make it work after everything Fred and his family had done for her so Calypso would respect the relationship. At least, at the current moment she would.

          "Wanna hang out once we get done cleaning?" Lee asked her when their shifts were about over. All they had to do was finishing cleaning up the kitchen and then turn off all the lights and they would be done.

          Calypso shook her head. "Not today," she told him, "Maybe tomorrow, though. I just wanna sleep for hours."

          "I get that," Lee agreed, "But I can't tomorrow. I'm off so I'm gonna go help the twins at the shop. Now that it's summer business so booming."

          "Even with the increased Death Eaters sights?" Calypso asked with a frown. She would think that people would be taking cover and not just going out like that, but what did she really know?

          "Yep," Lee nodded, "Little kids don't understand the danger and during the day there's nothing stopping them from popping over with a couple coins. Fred and George do nothing to discourage them."

          "Huh," Calypso let out, "I would've never guessed."

          Lee just hummed and continued to wash the dishes as Calypso cleaned off the counter. "You been by the bookstore lately?" Calypso asked him, "To save Birdie?"

          The Jordan boy laughed at that. "Not since last week. Her mum keeps giving me weird looks, like get out sorta ones. Creeps me out."

          Calypso scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Birdie's mum is not scary, you're just a wimp. Just ignore her and free Birdie for an hour. That's what I always do when my shift comes with a lunch break."

          Lee shrugged. "Maybe I will, maybe I won't."

          "I'll tell Birdie that you don't wanna see her if you don't do it sometime this week," Calypso threatened.

          This caused Lee to stop his movements and give her an icy glare, "You wouldn't dare."

          "Try me," she shot back, "It's the least you could do. You know, if you wanna be a good boyfriend and all."

          "I am a good boyfriend, thank you very much," Lee told her but Calypso just shrugged at that, knowing that it would rile him up and get him to listen to and do as she told him. "Oh, don't do that to me! I'm the best fucking boyfriend anyone could ask for!"

          "Sure, sure," Calypso said with a leading tone that told him that she didn't believe a word he was saying, though she was grinning on the inside.

          "No, don't fucking do that! I'm amazing, just ask her!" Lee exclaimed, defending himself and his deeds as a boyfriend.

          "She'll probably just lie to me," Calypso shrugged, "Or get suspicious and start overthinking everything and realize that you're not a very good boyfriend at all."

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