THIRTYEIGHT ━ ❝through her last year (pt. 2)❞

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Leo thought it was nice to finally have someone who understood his schooling around and they bonded quickly. Everyone else looked on with fond smiles.

But in January, Calypso had to go back to school, a place she didn't really want to be. It was strange because before, even though she would miss her family, she was rearing to go back. Be with her friends, learn, but now she only felt sadness. A melancholy filled her bones as she entered the Hogwarts Express to return to the school.

All she wanted was to stay with them, and in a few months she would have her wish, but that was too far away for her. Many months still had to come and go before then and so much could change, she had learned that much throughout her time at the school.

She boarded the train after hugging them all goodbye and receiving kisses on the forehead from her uncles that she took with over exaggerated eye rolls so that they knew she wasn't being sincere when she said she hated them. Remus looked so proud of her; his daughter all grown up, finishing her last term at Hogwarts.

Walking down the corridor of the train, she looked inside each cart to try and find her friends. As she did, she noticed Maia – who had bordered much quicker than she had, as if looking to escape the family – was standing with Draco Malfoy. At the sight, she couldn't help but frown.

Maia and Draco had never spoken before. At least, not to her knowledge. They had nothing connecting them; Draco was a Slytherin who had the expectations of every child under the parents who served the Dark Lord and Maia was her smart, little cousin. The one who enjoyed reading about history and had an awesome music taste.

Part of her wanted to eavesdrop on the conversation; to hide somewhere and just listen in. She wouldn't even have to get close thanks to her super hearing (probably the only perk of being a werewolf, she was sure), but no. That was wrong even if she was curious and a little suspicious of them. This was her cousin and she wouldn't violate this.

So, she walked up to them and when they noticed her their eyes widened and Draco quickly scrambled away without even fully looking at Calypso. Maia, who was looking to conceal her anger, almost glared at her cousin when Calypso reached her.

"Didn't know you knew Malfoy there," Calypso said casually, lightly even though there was an underlining snark. He was family – regretfully, but he was – but that didn't mean she had to be kind when talking about him. As for as she was concerned, Draco was a knob who was too far up his parents' ass to realize that their ideals are complete and utter bullshit.

"What do you want, Calypso?" Maia asked bluntly, completely ignoring what the Black girl had previously said.

Calypso raised her eyebrow, even more suspicious of the pair than before. "I just saw you talking to him," she admitted, "I just never knew that you two talked."

"We don't," Maia told her, "We just bumped into each other and were – you know – well, he likes to make a big deal out of things so we just snapping at each other."

"Uh huh," Calypso said, not believing a word that came out of her mouth, "Sure you are."

"Honestly, I don't know anything about him," Maia told her, "Just let it go."

"Fine," Calypso snapped at her, not liking the girl's attitude. Maia had changed over summer and Calypso didn't like it. She was rude, withdrawn, and always spending the night at Emilia's, never wanting to be around her family and Calypso was completely done with her.

With a final huff, she continued pass the girl in search for her friends and when she found them, sat down with a glare still in her eyes. Birdie was the first one to notice since she was sitting opposite of her.

Lone Wolf ⋆ HP Golden Era (3)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن