THIRTY ━ ❝perfection❞

Start from the beginning

She was too fine with the fact that her husband divorced her. It wasn't for someone younger, they were only in their early twenties when they got married, any younger would looked so wrong. It wasn't because he had stolen her money and no longer needed her or because she wanted to leave his child. No, he loved Calypso almost as much as she did – there could never be anyone else in the world who loved her daughter as much as she did.

No, Remus always struggled with self-love. He never felt enough, he always felt as if he was dragging others down, felt as though everyone would leave him when they realized he wasn't enough. Remelda knew that. And when that did happen, when James and Lily were killed and Sirius was sent to Azkaban – without even a trial – all his worst fears came to life and he isolated himself.

He made the final step, gave the final blow, and finally delivered the papers with an apology. She signed them without another thought, but not before telling him that he was worth everything in the world. And, for a long time, neither Nadia nor herself heard a word from him. It was sad, of course it was, but Remelda had others things to worry about, like their child.

Their precious Calypso. Her world.

"Yes, Remus?" she asked. She set down the case file, standing up from the table, her glass of wine still present and waiting for her. She would finish it later.

"Nadia needs you. She's in the bathroom," Remus told her and she nodded.

"Thanks for getting me," she told him, "I'll take care of it, so don't worry. Oh – Nymphadora's coming around tonight for dinner."

She softly smiled at the way his cheeks turned pink, though she didn't comment on it. Remelda knew Remus, probably better than anyone else when it came to love, and she understood that he would never allow himself this pleasure that was her younger cousin. It was easy to tell that the both of them were gone for each other, and it was clear that Nymphadora was helplessly trying to gain his attention, even easier to tell that Remus was sending her away.

She hoped he learned that he was worth her love soon. Just like he was worth her own. It doesn't matter anymore, her love for Remus diminished and how he was just a friend.

Remelda walked out of the room, going up the stairs and past the portrait of her mother (she tensed as she passed it, as she always did) until she was turning to the bathroom of the room that Nadia was staying in. She knocked softly on the door. "Nadia?" she called out quietly.

Everything was quiet in the house, she hated it even though she still contributed to it. Some things never changed, some things always stayed in her muscle memory – this was one of them.

The door opened to reveal a red-eyed Nadia Greene and Remelda felt herself soften at her. "Oh, sweetie," she said, walking into the bathroom and closing the door.

"It's one of his worst days," Nadia told her, sniffling as she wiped the rest of the tear streaks from her face. "He won't talk to me."

Remelda nodded understandingly. Life was hard for Sirius now. The house was terrible for him, all of the bad memories, it was just another prison for him. From Azkaban to the place he always sought to escape as a child.

"I'm sorry," she consoled Nadia, reaching to place a hand on her shoulder and rubbing for comfort.

"It's not your fault, Remelda, I know that not every day can be good, but it's still so sad," Nadia sniffled again, turning to the Black woman.

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