Chapter 02

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Devon P.O.V

"This is absolutely ridiculous! Going the whole way to England over an abused Omega report? What the hell are you thinking?" My Beta, Damien was pacing the length of the room, his eyes flicking between his normal  honey brown and the deep, dark gold of his wolf. It was obvious he was pissed and confused about why I was making such a big move over an omega. If he were any other member of my pack, I would have killed them by now for questioning my decisions like he was doing,

"That's enough." I snapped though grit teeth, glaring down at him to make sure he understood. He glared right on back at first, but when I gave a deep growl of warning, he averted his eyes with an annoyed huff. "You haven't read through the report yet. This is a severe case, and nobody else is making a move to help the poor guy." I held up one finger in a silent 'wait' as I pulled a file from one of the manilla folders on my desk and handed it to him. "Read it and tell me that this is okay. I dare you." 

Damien hesitated but his eyes drifted down and scanned the paper. His angry expression softened, his emotions going from pity to sadness to anger. He looked up once he read through it, his eyebrows furrowed. "Jeez. This is probably one of the worst cases I've seen in a long time. They didn't even provide a name for him. Just Omega." He mumbled quietly, his temper now vanished.

"I expect you to look after the pack while I'm gone. It should only be a day or two, but call me if there is any trouble. I'll be taking Julian with me for back up." I explained, taking the paper from him and returning it back in its place. It was heartbreaking to think that the Omega in question was beaten and raped so often, locked away against his will. Sure, most Omegas weren't treated all too kindly, but this was something completely different.

"Yes, Alpha." Damien replied immediately. He was usually much more upbeat than this, but this was a serious situation, and he was actually taking it that way instead of being the childish man he is. 

"Good. The plane leaves in an hour so I'd better get going." I said firmly. Damien nodded and bid me a goodbye. I left my office and shut the door behind me, trailing through the winding hallways and outside. It was a bright and sunny day, not a cloud in the sky. The warmth from the rays soaked through my skin, and I welcomed the feeling with a content sigh. The limo was already packed and waiting for me, so I walked briskly down the path and slipped in the back. Julian was already inside at the drivers seat. He shot me a slight smirk before pulling out of the dirt driveway and making our way to the road. This was going to be a long trip.

---------------------------- Time Skip to England-----------------------------

The streets of London were busy with tourists and locals making their way around the city. Julian had always had problems with waiting, so of course he was shifting uneasily in the drivers seat, his eyes narrowed as a young boy crossed the car in front of us. He growled quietly to himself and honked the horn, making a few eyes turn our way and the boy to scurry quickly out of the road. 

"Please don't draw attention to us, Julian. We don't know if there are any packs in the area that might scent us. We're here for the omega, not to cause disturbances." I scolded him, rolling my eyes. Julian just grunted in response, obviously not wanting to acknowledge that he was making mistakes. 

The car inched through the streets, and we made our way out of the worst of it. Julian flicked his eyes to meet mine in the mirror. "What's the address of this place you're supposed to go?" He asked. 

"108 Lipton Avenue. You are to stay in the car. If I don't come out in two hours, you can come in." I instructed. I could practically feel the excitement running off of the brute at the drivers seat. He had always had a thing for fighting, and he was eager for the chance. I chuckled quietly, my own lips curving up into an amused smile. "Focus on driving," I mumbled teasingly.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Julian went silent again as he focused back on the road. The ride was silent, consisting mostly of me staring out the window at the bustling people outside. It was a noticeable change when we got to the desired street. The buildings were darker and less kept, and the ride got a bit bumpy when we headed onto the road from the cracks in the pavement. Finally, the limo came to a halt, and Julian turned his head to peek back at me.

"We're here." He tilted his head towards a building that was larger than the rest, looming over the street and casting a shadow down over the road. Creepy. 

"I see." I stretched out my body before grabbing the few bundles of cash that this Alpha had said to bring. I had to cover as a customer for the Omegas body in order to know the location and get in, so as sickening as it was to work out the details, I had done it. With that, I opened the door and got out.

When I reached the front of the house, I paused. My wolf was on edge and alert, as if he were waiting for something big to happen. I pushed the feeling aside and rapped my knuckled against the smooth oak of the door. There was a few moments of silence, then footsteps coming closer. The door opened and I was met with a tall, muscular man who had a cigarette between his teeth. He looked me over, eyeing the money I had, before he stepped aside so I could walk in.

The second the door shut behind me, he held his hand out. "I take money upfront. To many wolves fucking him and not paying afterwords." He grunted. I didn't hesitate to hand over the wad of hundreds. The Alpha's smirk widened as he thumbed through the bills, obviously pleased. He pocketed the money before again turning his attention back to me.

"I wouldn't go down there quite yet. Give him a few hours." He finally spoke. Anger bubbled in my chest, wondering if he scammed me out of the money and wouldn't let me see the Omega. He seemed to notice because he quickly shook his head. "Nah, he's downstairs. I would wait until he's finished with his labor." 

My eyes widened, and I was about to speak up when a pain-filled scream echoed through the house, coming from the basement. The other Alpha seemed unfazed, as if this was a daily occurrence. I on the other hand was absolutely fuming. He'd been pregnant? Was he down there birthing his pups himself?

I pushed the Alpha aside and went to the door, pulling it open. I was hit by the thick scent of blood, and the sweeter scent of honeysuckle and rain. My wolf broke through the surface, taking over my body and dashing down the stairs, ignoring the confused questions from the other Alpha. My eyes landed on a small boy helplessly curled in around two bloody, lifeless figures that would have been pups in a few months. The floor around him was soaked with thick blood, and it was obvious he was in pain, both physically and emotionally.

My heart nearly burst when he looked up at me with wide, terrified eyes, sitting up and scooting back into the corner, clutching the two pups like a lifeline. Tears streamed down his face, his eyes wide. I quickly went over to the cage he was in, opening it and grabbing the Omega. He screamed and thrashed in my hold, but I didn't care. I nuzzled my face into his neck, breathing deeply. "Mate."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2017 ⏰

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