TWENTYNINE ━ ❝the uprising❞

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         No, this had to be led quietly. This had to be hidden in dark depths where no one would know because in the public eye, it would be crushed immediately. It would be a lost cause that would leave everyone disheartened and without hope. So, they had to be cunning – play into the Black family beliefs instead of the one her parents had paved and she continued to create.

         Calypso Black would not call herself a Black proudly for many reasons. While she held her head up with pride and defended her parents and uncles without thought – for they deserved it – she tried so hard to distance herself from other relatives. She tried to transform the Black name from one associated with Grindelwald and Voldemort, the darkest and evilest of wizard history, but one known for standing against them. Opposing the dark with light.

         But, she would admit, that some traits the Black family carried proudly from generation to generation were helpful. They were smart – school had always been important, education – and they were cunning, they used their resources and a silver tongue. Those, while used in the past for persuading evil, could now be used against her ancestors for good.

         She was a Black, a Slytherin mother and uncle – a Slytherin background – with a Gryffindor father and being one herself. She was cunning, she was proud, she had a silver tongue when she wanted to use it, and she was intelligent.

         And even though her hand still throbbed, she smirked to herself seeing the parchment that Hermione had handed her when passing through a corridor.

         It was time for the Uprising; it was time to defy.

         Calypso hummed to herself as she walked beside Birdie down to Hogsmeade. It was just the two of them – Lee had walked with the twins since they were also getting breakfast at The Three Broomsticks that morning – and a silence had fallen between them but she didn't mind.

         She had a plan. Well, she would admit that it was not fully developed and probably wouldn't be for a while, but it was all coming together. She had an inkling about what Hermione had wanted when she had sent the note with clear instructions to tell anyone that Calypso trusted. It was sad to think that was such a small list, containing only Lee and Birdie who had already known of the ordeal that was happening that fine Saturday morning.

         Well, no, she had told Maia. She found the girl the day before and dragged her – silently and quickly as to not leave any witnesses – into the bathroom that everyone avoided for the reason that one pessimistic spirit dwelled there. Moaning Myrtle, as everyone knew her, was not liked by the student body because of just how annoying her complaining was. Always reminding people that she had been crying in the bathroom, not annoying anyone, when she had been killed. She didn't even how or who murdered her, only that she awoke a spirit of the dead.

         No, she was not a pleasant sight and because of her, the bathroom was always avoided. "What the hell, Cal?" Maia complained, rubbing her arm where Calypso had tugged her harshly into the room.

         "Sorry," Calypso immediately apologized, because she truly hadn't meant to be harsh – she swore, "I have to tell you something."

         At that, a frown appeared on Maia and all her annoyance at having her arm pulled harshly gone. "What's going on, Cal? Are you alright? Did something happen back...there."

         It was easy to decipher what she was referring to with 'there'. The house – not a home, never a home – but the house where they lived for the summer and would return to during winter and would probably live in until the war was over. Maybe. If anything didn't happen that forced them out of there.

Lone Wolf ⋆ HP Golden Era (3)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt