TWENTY ━ ❝come together❞

Start from the beginning

He hummed in agreement, "I still you a lot, though." And it warmed her heart greatly to hear him say that. It did because at first, it didn't seem like he really cared for her.

They pulled apart and Calypso looked at him, frowning a bit. "You don't look too good," she muttered, "I was hoping you'd look better."

"Well," he started, still a weak smile on his face, "I couldn't really walk into any restaurant looking like this and without any money, but I made do. But you...Calypso, you look very nice."

"Thank you, Uncle Pads. I've been having a good year so far. I mean, it hasn't exactly been the best year because of the Tournament – you said that Harry mentioned it, right? – but other than's been fine enough," Calypso informed him.

Sirius nodded. "Anything else bothering you?"

"Are we really here to just talk about me? Because I'd like to know where you've been and why you're here. It was already dangerous enough having you in the castle last year and now you've decided that Hogsmeade is a good idea?" Calypso questioned him and he just shrugged.

"Like they know I'm here. And as to where I've been, around Scotland in the country. Not a lot of people there and a lot less cops. No one would see me and I could just be me," Sirius told her, "I'm okay here, Cal. And at least the people here feed me scraps."

Calypso sighed, "I thought you'd say something like that. Thankfully, I raided the kitchens and brought you some food. Couldn't get any meat, though, that's where the house elves drew the line."

She opened her bag and brought out cookies, apples, and bread along with a bottle of water. "They didn't let me take any drinks either, sorry," she apologized.

He immediately shook his head, "This is more than enough, Cal, thank you." He started eating some of the bread, "Now, what's been happening at Hogwarts?"

"Not much," she shrugged, "I mean, everyone's talking about the tournament all the time but I'm not the biggest fan of it. And everyone's hating on Harry because they think he somehow got his name in the goblet so everyone at Hogwarts is supporting Cedric, which they should, but still. And then there's Moody – Mad-Eye Moody. Mum told me he was in the Order, but I don't like him too much."

Sirius frowned, continuing to eat the bread. "Why not? Moody was great back then."

"Well, he's not anymore. Our first lesson was about the Unforgivable Curses and he demonstrated all of them on spiders – he killed a spider, Uncle Pads! I just – I don't like him at all but I can't say anything because Dumbledore invited him to the school himself, so obviously anything concerns I bring up will be overlooked," Calypso complained.

"That doesn't sound like him..." Sirius trailed off, "I mean, he was always a bit...eccentric, but he never did anything like that. And you said that Dumbledore invited him to teach himself?"

Calypso nodded. "It's sick, really, and I already talked to mum about it and she agreed that he's acting differently. But whatever, maybe he changed? And not for the better."

"I'm sorry that he's like that, but he'll be gone by the end of the year if the current track record for DADA teachers still stands," Sirius smiled and she nodded. That was true and at least she could seek comfort in that.

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