EIGHTEEN ━ ❝fireside chats❞

Start from the beginning

Calypso shrugged because in truth no, no she wasn't. "Not really," she said, "I might skip it, to be honest."

"Skip the first – skip the first task?" Lee asked incredulously, "Calypso, are you mad?"

"No, I just don't see all the hype surrounding it. I mean, have you even researched the tournament? Because I have, and what I've learned is that they stopped it because someone died last time," Calypso informed him, "So, frankly, I'm not all too excited to watch people – teenagers, actually – participate in something that could actually murder them. But that's just me."

Lee rolled his eyes, "The judges won't let anyone die, Cal, relax. Neither will Dumbledore."

At that, Calypso scoffed but she didn't further engage with it. She didn't want to fight with one of the only two friends she had. "You've always been such an anomaly, Cal," Lee continued, "Seriously. I mean, originally it was because you were just Sirius Black's niece to me, but damn. There is so much different about you."

Calypso frowned, but didn't dispute his words. She knew she had always been the odd one out. "Like what?" she inquired still.

He shrugged, "I don't know. Like, last year when you said that your family has all these secrets. I mean, I didn't think you meant your dad being a werewolf, but well, here we are. And you aren't even interested in Viktor Krum, which every girl is going after and that's totally unfair because who's gonna go for me now? And you aren't even excited for the tournament!"

"I guess," Calypso said, "But, to be fair, I wasn't even going to tell you about my dad. I mean like, the Blacks have a lot of secrets."

"Really?" Lee raised an eyebrow, "And I missed out on all of that?"

"Yeah, but it's probably for the best," Calypso moved on, "I wouldn't want to burden you with them. It's a lot to carry and I shouldn't have brought any of it up. So, sorry for that."

"It's alright, I've moved passed it, obviously. It was getting a little annoying just hanging out with the twins the whole time. Well, Fred more than George because he got a girlfriend last year and while she's nice, we don't really get along," Lee said, "She's not really into the pranks and everything and that's fine, but we don't share any interests. George likes her, though, and that's what matters."

Calypso nodded, "Who's he dating anyways?"

"Oh, Kiara Borde. You know Maddox Dean-Valance, right? Cedric's girlfriend?" she nodded, "That's her best friend. And like, she's nice, but I secretly hated spending time with her."

Calypso cracked a smile, "That's because no one compares to me, Jordan."

Lee nodded, "Yeah. You're right. I didn't realize how much I liked your level head and the banter with Birdie and the others until I started jus spending my time with the twins. You can't do that with them, which is actually kinda sad."

She took in that information, although it wasn't like she was ever going to need it. She didn't hang out with the twins ever, so she wouldn't need to know it, but still. Just in case. "But it's good he got a girlfriend. I swear they're joined at the hips, but it's refreshing to know that they have a separate personality and everything."

"I get it," Lee said, obviously wanting to add more, probably how he knew the differences between them but that was only because of the amount of time he spent with them. And his ability to actually tell them apart, which not many people could actually do. Calypso sure couldn't.

Then dinner was over. Calypso said goodbye to Lee with the excuse that was going to the library and he left which meant she walked alone. Lee never liked being there unless it was for a special circumstance, which it wasn't. She was barely even paying attention and didn't notice the person in front of her until she bumped into them. "Oh, sorry," she apologized immediately.

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