A Day with Brazil pt.2 S.1 Ep.6

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*Sees fireworks all over the place*

"Wow," *Looks at Brazil* "Are you sure about this Braz? Portugal's still in the house, he'll be able to hear these."

Brazil: "Don't worry about it."

Carlos: "How did you even get all of this?"

Brazil: "They helped me," *Points to North and the rest of South America by a helicopter*

Carlos: "Where did you guys come from!?!"

America: "Well bro, we're all hanging out back at my place then Brazil called us up and yeah." *Shrugs*

Argentina: "Let's light it up!!!'

"You guys can't be serious," *All turn to see Portugal's other former colonies*

"Oh.... hey guys."

Macau: "Brazil, honestly. Why?"

Brazil: "Because this get together is pretty boring. We need some excitement!! Some fun!! We were just sitting in silence awhile ago!!"

Guinea-Bissau: *Shrugs* "What's wrong with that?" 

*Stares at him along with North and South America and Carlos with a 'WTF' look*

*Awkward silence*

"Wow....... you guys are really good kids."

*All give a confused look*

Angola: "What do you mean by that?"

*Points to North and South America minus Brazil*  "So Portugal's your father. But if these guys were invited to a get together by England, France, or Spain along with their brothers and sisters, you know what? It doesn't even have to be with their brothers and sisters, it could be just by themselves. Anyway, if they were all invited, then by now, they would all most likely be drunk-"

North and South America minus Brazil: "Hey."

*Looks at them* "You all know it's true."

North and South minus Brazil again: "Yeah."

"Back to what I was saying, they would all most likely be drunk and may have set something on fire, caused some kind of explosion, or be throwing a party already."

North and South America minus Brazil *All nod* "True."

"They're not good kids. But Portugal invited you all to a get together and you all are just sitting in silence not causing any trouble while Brazil is over here about to set off some fireworks, he litterly kidnapped your dad before twice and even drugged him once. He's not a good kid-"

Brazil: "Hey."

Carlos: *Turns to him* "You know it's true."

Brazil: *Nods*  "Yeah."

"You guys are honestly good kids."

*They all think about it before nodding*

Sao Tome and Principe: *Laughs*  "Brazil's always been the wild one of the family."

Brazil: "Yeah, that's true." *Nods*

Colombia: "Okay anyway, can we light it up now?"

Portugal's kids minus Brazil: "No!!"

Brazil: "Too late!!" *Looks at the Americas* "Let's do it guys!!!"

*They all head towards fireworks and start lighting them up, they start exploding up in the air*


*Brazil takes out 70 dollars and hands it over before running to the helicopter*

*Everyone else looks back at the house to see Portugal*

Portugal: *Looks at his nieces and nephews* "What are you all doing here? You know what?" *Shakes his head*  "I'll just call your dad."

The Americas minus Brazil: "Which one?"

Portugal: "England."

The Americas minus Brazil: *All start to slowly back away."

Canada: "You don't have to do th- let's go guys!!!"

*All run to helicopter*   

Portugal: *Looks at camera* "You guys again!?!"

"Uhhh," *Looks at Carlos*  "I think we should go Carlos."

Carlos: *Nods*

*Start to slowly back away to helicopter before running to it*

Argentina: *Throws Brazil out helicopter*

Brazil: "Hey!!!"

Argentina: "This is your family gathering, you have to stay."

Brazil: *Realizes*  "Oh." *Looks to see Portugal walking over and starts running*

Portugal: *Runs after him*

*Portugal's other kids just watch*

"Let's go guys!!!!"

*Helicopter takes off, everyone in it just watches Portugal and Brazil*

*Portugal tackles Brazil down and drags him inside of house*

*Turns to camera*  "Well guys that's all on 'Real with North and South'  Thanks for watching and see you next week!!! Hopefully Brazil will be alive by then."


Sorry for the long wait for updates guys. Please review!!

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