Escaping France Pt 3. S. 1. Ep. 4

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Ok guys, so if you read the chapter I updated last night for some reason it was cut off by alot of words.

I updated the chapter again at like 9:04 am today so if you read last chapter before 9:04 am please go look at it again. Before reading this.

Now on to the story !!


Previously on 'Real with North and South'

*America stands on patio* "Alright bros here's the plan !!"


"So as we all know Papa is trying to get us in dresses and we escaped. But I can't say the same for most of you guys."

*Angry mumurs from a few of the countries*

"But now there's a way to end this once and for all !!"

                       Theme Song

"So first we head up to his closest and find everything single piece of designer clothing there is. Next Mattie calls Papa up and from there once he gets here which won't be too long, we can threaten to destroy them unless he surrenders if he doesn't than, *smirks* there gonna be alot of destroyed clothes."

"Are you guys sure this is a good idea?"

"No," Hong Kong responds, "It's a great idea."

*Australia, India, America, Argentina, Uruguay, and New Zealand head upstairs to find the clothes*

*Other countries go to find scissors and glue. While Canada goes to call France*

                    20 minutes later

*Plies of clothing in the living room*

"Is this his whole closet ?"

*New Zealand nods* "Yeah."

"Are the supplies ready !?!" Ecuador yells.

*Shouts of 'yes' from the kicthen*

*Canada runs in* "He's coming, I say we got about *checks watch* 15 minutes."

"Woah, where is he right now ?"

"Germany, he running at superman speed."

"I hope this works."

*Door busts open* "Where are you mes fils ?"

*Whispers to Canada* "He's here already !?! It's only been 30 seconds !!"

*Whispers back* "I did say that was running at superman speed."

*France walks into living room* "There you all are. Thought you could outsmart Papa, did you ?"

*Hong Kong walks up*  "Actually we like did Papa." *Pulls out glitter glue and hangs it over designer shirt*

*Others follow suit*

*France gasps* "Mes fils lets not be hastily now."

*Diego steps up* "Stop trying to put us in dresses and never ever try to do so againand we'll put the scissors, and glitter glue down."

"Non, I will not !!"

*Argentina walks into living room with a pot of meatballs*

"Will this change your mind ?"

"Non !!"

"Okay then guys time for your revenge than." America says smirking.

*Countries who were actually forced into dresses by France started to pour glitter glue on the clothes.*

"Ok, ok I surrender !!"

Carlos: "I thought he never would."

*Canada puts sunglasses on as he and the rest of North and South America walk out of France's house, with dramatic music playing in the background*

"Later Papa !! We'll see you at the World Meeting !!" America yells over his shoulder.

*walks out with the boys* "Anything you guys have to say ?"

"Revenge is best served in glitter glue." They all say.

"Join us next time on Real with North and South !!"

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