Getting To Know You

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Poppy's P.O.V

I woke up to light knocking on my door. I blinked my tired eyes as I then rubbed them to be fully awake. I yawned as I sat up, I still felt so sleepy because I Hartley and I face timed for hours last night and now that I think about it, I don't really think we hung up on each other. My focus then came back to the knocking, "Yes?" I asked and I heard a cough before my door opened and I saw Max appear.

I gave him a smile and he seemed surprised at it because he just kept staring at me for a few seconds before he shook his head and gave me a smile, "Breakfast is ready mam" he said kindly and I nodded at him, I watched as he was just about to leave but I cleared my throat silently telling him to stop. He turned around expectantly, probably waiting for a demand but I smiled at him hoping it came out a nice smile before I spoke, "Call me Poppy" I told him and again he seemed shocked but I just giggled and swung my legs over my bed to get ready for school.

I now choose my own outfits to go to school in because I felt like one of the maids were really going to commit murder by killing me if I shouted at them any longer and because I just got tired at shouting at them. Once I've chosen my outfit and carried it towards my enormous bathroom, I jumped into the already warm spray of the shower, sighing with content as it ran down my body.


"Tell me!" I whined into her ear as we sat in the cafeteria for lunch, she chuckled before she again shook her head "no". I pouted as I then wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her more into me, she then wrapped her arm around my waist.

"Why?" I whispered into her ear as I then kissed the shell of it, I felt a shiver and I smiled adoringly at the way I affected her. "Because it's embarrassing" she again said and I huffed before my eyes caught a familiar figure of a goofy boy walking towards us, a plan was made in motion inside my mind as he came closer and on his seat, greeting Hartley and I with a smile.

"Richie?" I addressed him as he was taking out his lunch from his bag and he gave me his attention to which I smiled at him and he started to look at me weirdly, figures I probably have the "tell me what I need to know or I'll kill you" smile on. "What happened this morning?" I asked him and I made sure to emphasize on the word morning. Instantly he had a look in his eyes as they darted to Hartley.

Hartley started squirming in my arms and I giggled as she glared at Richie as if daring him to tell me. However, my eyes were hell of a lot intimidating than hers. "Uh, w-well--" he kept on stuttering so I reached my right out and kicked him right in the shin, immediately he blurted, "A dog bit Hartley in the tush over the weekend that's why she's sore and doesn't want to tell you because she doesn't want you to laugh at her!" he painfully said as it looked like he was gripping his shin.

I sat there nearly on sitting on Hartley's lap which she still is squirming as I stared at him and then my eyes moved to the side of me, gazing at the short blonde haired girl who was looking at anything to avoid my eyes, her face had become so red. I felt like time had stopped, exactly like moments in the films series the matrix where there were moments in fighting scenes that the were in slow motion. It felt exactly like that as I slowly smiled at her and I reached down and held her chin in my hand lifting her face to look at me.

Total humiliation and embarrassment was seen in those galaxy like green eyes and instantly my heart kicked into overdrive. Emotions after emotions were running through me and I then slowly closed my eyes as I descended towards her, desperately wanting to kiss her. And finally my heart gave in, my stomach lit up with every butterflies and dragonflies out there as I felt her soft lips against mine. Immediately I became hungry, not hungry for food, no, hungry for her and all that she is.

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