• Take My Word Seriously •

Start from the beginning

Of all nights, Marinette's parents were out on a date night if their own, leaving the dark headed girl by herself in the living room. She twiddled her thumbs, anxiety growing into worrying doubts that Adrien would go back on his word. All of this conspired, despite him assuring her that he has never, nor will ever speak deceptions.

As Mari traditionally did, she was eating a snack beforehand. Greasy potato chips crumbs coated her fingers when the doorbell rang. When she stood up, she dusted her dress off, removing stray food particles. She opened the door to the most attractive sight she'd seen in her whole life.

"Looking dapper, I see Princesse," Adrien greeted, wearing a dashing tuxedo and jacket with a striped necktie. He pointed to the chip bag in her hand, mouth stuffed full and leftovers hanging on her chin. Mari felt embarrassed, throwing her salty snack onto the nearby table and fixing her appearance to be presentable again.

While she was busy, he pulled out yet another carton of juice. "When are you going to run out of flavors?" Marinette asked, unbelievably. "I'll run out when my love for you does. Spoiler alert, I'll never stop loving you."

Feeling warm and fuzzy, Mari took the grapefruit juice and quickly placed it into the refrigerator. She clomped back to the foyer where her handsome, green eyed date was standing. "You wanna know something?" Marinette inquired.


"I think I just might love you juice-loads, as well." His eyes misted, gathering tears in his lower lid. A happy smile graced his overjoyed face. "Really?" he quizzed.

"Truly and honestly, Creep. Now let's go, those chips can only hold me over for so long." Shaking his head and refocusing, Adrien regrouped. "After you, M'Lady."

Once thy both got outside, Marinette was confused. "Where's the bike at?" He smirked, knowing he would catch her off guard. "I took my truck instead, I hope you don't mind," he said. She grinned at him widely, not minding the switch for one night.

To say that their second date was her favorite date would be a humongous understatement. The odd couple enjoyed a movie at the fancy, downtown marquee, where they feasted on the dine-in experience the place offered.

Eventually, they wound up at an outdoor basketball court in the middle of nowhere. Maybe a park or recreational area of sorts. He continued to drive, jumping the curb. "What the hell are you doing?!" Mari asked, shouting in a tizzy. "I want to park on the court! I saw something really romantic that I want to try with you and I need to be on the blacktop."

"You're crazy!" she giggled at his sweet cuteness. Once he was satisfied with where the truck was, he parked it, slamming the stick into the top of the gear shift with little care, and loud noise. "Come on!" Adrien ushered her out of the car as he held the passenger door ajar for the girl.

"Oh! I almost forgot!"

Frantically, the blonde haired boy skipped unevenly to the driver side, cranking the radio up loud and rolling the windows all the way downward. He made his way back to Mari, holding her close, offering one hand to her, the other settled itself on the small of her back.

"And now we dance."


I was tagged by the one, and the only, DipStick45 !! Cue lighting, and action!

I was tagged by the one, and the only, DipStick45 !! Cue lighting, and action!

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Dear Ex- You don't exist yet, and I hope you never do.

Dear Self- Find an excuse to wear the mauve velvet (did I mention backless) dress you just bought. Then the world will be conquered.

Dear Mom- I know I'm broke your heart by moving out, but thank you for being my biggest supporter.

Dear Dad- Did you remember to turn out the garage light? It costs money, ya know.

Dear Crush- Maybe when you return from twelve hours away, you'll start to show an interest in me. Who knows?

Dear School- Thank you for the opportunity to further my degree in Psychology. Knowledge is indeed power.

Dear Sibling- Don't tear my leftover closet apart! I'll be home soon, and keep it in rainbow order, will ya! P.S. I love you.

Dear Past Me- Do not, under any circumstance, get your hair cut like Debby Ryan from Suite Life On Deck. Future you from seven years later is always haunted.

Dear First Love- Even though you have yet to find me, when you do I'll be glad that I had never loved anyone else before you. Also, please be taller than I am! I know it's hard since I'm a skyscraper, but a girl can always dream.

Dear Future Me- Please refer to the baby name list in your notes. Shame on you if you don't.

Dear Best Friend- Thank you for being down to be spontaneous. And for spilling your cup full of water at a restaurant, drowning everyone around.

Dear Future Child- Your great grandparents may have screwed up, but our family lineage begins anew with Nana and Papa. Also, I love you more more than you love me. It's a fact and not up for discussion.

Dear Person I Hate- Did the amount of soap in the dispenser matter to you so much that you haven't talked to me in six years? Apparently so.

Dear Person I Love- If you love me as much as you claim, you'll know which color of candle I always gravitate toward. Just sayin'.

Dear Ex Best Friend- Thanks for allowing me to break the national record for counseling visitations by an elementary student in one week.

Dear People Who Hate Me- I've never given any ammunition to a person to hate me, but if I have, talk to me. I want to reach out and help.

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