Chapter Twenty Four

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"Ella what do you think of these for the house?" Joey asked.
"Yeah.." I said not really paying attention.
"Ella? Ella!" Joey called.
"Yeah... Ow!" I screamed as a pillow hit my face "Don't throw things at me!" I screamed throwing it back at him. He burst out laughing.
"Pay attention and I won't have to throw things at you" he said.
"I'm going over my lines! Jo the show is in two days!  I want to be prepared!".
"Ella for the past two months you've done nothing but read that script, even on my birthday you had your nose in it, trust me you're going to be amazing!".
"You should be going over your lines too".
"It will all work out, I'm not worried at all".

After an hour of sitting about my apartment. I began packing my bags, we were going to Chicago tomorrow and then we were going up to LA for two weeks. 

The next day we all set off early the next morning.  Darren was meeting us earthy so we could do a rehearsal or two. When we arrived at Leakycon we were quickly rushed into a room where we could rehearse without running into any fans. 

"Darren!" I screamed as I entered the room. Darren was standing there with a huge grin on his face.
"Ella!" Darren said opening his arms. I  ran over and practically leaped on him throwing my arms around him.
"Its so good to see you" I grinned. I loved Darren he was still one of my best friends in the world. Even if I didn't get to see him that much. I loved being with him.
"Its only been like two months El calm down" he laughed.
"Two months too long" I laughed.
"Well I'll see you all the time when you're in La".

"Hey Jo" he smiled as he hugged joey and the others.
"So guys I hate to interrupt your reunion but we honestly don't have much time before yous have to preform, yous are on at five thirty and yous need to be at the stage for four thirty to get ready" The leakycon manager said.
"Oh yeah we will get started then".

At five thirty I stood at the side of the stage waiting for my entrance.

"You little knuckleheads better be packed and ready to leave for school after breakfast!" Lily said as I walked onto stage and the audience began screaming.

"Hi, mom! Have you seen my boyfriend, Harry Potter?" I said giggling.
"No dear, I haven't dear. I've got all these extra kids staying at the house! Bill's wife. Ron's girlfriend! Harry's girlfriend! I'm swamped! Would you go and wake everyone up for me?".

"You got it mom!" I said as she left the stage. 
"Ginny walks up a crooked staircase to the bedroom, where she finds RON sitting on the edge of the bed, lightly strumming a guitar and singing with his meager voice" the narrator said as I moved side to side pretending to go up stairs. 

"Heeeeeyyy Haaaaarrrryy Potter! It's time for breakfast!" I said.

"AHH! EVER HEARD OF KNOCKING!? Get outta my room!" Joey screamed hiding the 'guitar' from me.

"It's my room too Ronald! What are you doing in here anyway?".

"None of your beeswax thunder-butt!" Joey shouted.

"He's writing a love song for his girlfriend.
"Charlie! Get outta here!".
"It's my room too."
"I think it's romantic!"
"I think you're romantic" .
"Bill!". They kiss eachother.
"Ew! Get a room you two!" Joey screamed.
This is our room!!
"Will you guys shut your fat faces! It's the butt-crack of dawn!"
"Percy, you're just jealous of Ronnie's girlfriend, and my beautiful wife."
"As if! Argh! I'm gonna go sleep out in the garden! At least the gnomes are quiet!"."Percy! Don't go out there! Hermione's reading in the garden!".
"So? Why isn't she in here with you, Mr. Perfect?!".
" Yeah, what's up Ron? Why didn't Hermione crawl into bed with us last night?".
"Yeah?" I said along with the others
"Well, she was up late reading. We haven't been spending too much time together cause she's really into these young adult novels lately. That's what the guitar is for. I thought I could sweep Hermione off her feet if I wrote her a song. I'm just trying to get her to kiss me again" Joey sighed.

"Well, when was the last time she kissed you?".
"Let me think… Um… Yeah. It was that first time".
"Ron, as someone who's so very happy in love, I have advice for. Just… how you say?… Be yourself!".

"Yeah Ron! That's what girls want. Not love songs or cheesy compliments or surprise presents" I said as Darren came on stage pretending to surf into  a heart shaped guitar, being held up by enchanted rose petals. He began singing "Ginny, Ginny, Ginny, you're my lover, oh yeah!" I love you Ginny Weasely! You're the most magical creature I've ever seen! Surprise! A present!".

"Yup. Those Death Eaters aren't using it anymore so I figured I'd give it to you as a going back to Hogwarts gift".

"Oh, Harry Potter! It's perfect! I'm going to go write in it right away!" I cheered leaving the stage

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