Chapter Nine

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"Why can't you see.. what you're doing to me" Dylan and I sung as the crowd cheered.
"Give it up for Ella and Dylan!" Joey screamed as he ran on stage.
I put my arm around Dylan and we bowed together as the audience screamed. 
"I actually want to talk to you guys though" Joey said.
"What's up man?" Dylan asked. "Yeah what's wrong Joey?" I said.
"I've just had this problem lately you know, it's just like.. Here I am, face to face, with a situation I never thought I'd ever see. Strange".
The crowd erupted in applause as Joey began singing 'Granger Danger'.
Dylan and I ran off the stage meeting Lauren on the way.

"Good job" Dylan said as we took bottles of water off the table.
"Thanks, you were unreal as usual" I smiled.
"We rock that song'' he laughed.

After Meredith sung 'Coolest Girl' everyone returned to stage.
"So guys since we saved the world why don't we have a bit of fun with these people who are creepily watching us.." Meredith said.
"I have an idea!" Joey said "Why don't we get one of them to come up and sing with us?".
The audience screamed.
"What a brilliant idea Jo! I'll go get someone from the crowd!" I said running off stage.
I went through the audience, I found a girl and took her hand and led her up to the stage with me.
"What's your name?" I asked as we went up to the stage.
"Lucy Gadd. And let go of my hand" She said bluntly. I recognised her name immediately. There were so many people in the crowd. Why did I have to choose the one person that hated me.
"This is Lucy" I shouted ignoring her.
"Oh no this isn't lucy" Joey said "She doesn't know this, but Lucy you're a wizard. And your name Is Harry  Potter! YOU'RE HARRY FREAKIN POTTER!" Joey screamed and Lucy looked as if she was in shock. 
Joey began singing and everyone on stage began doing the dance.
Soon it was my turn to sing and I began dancing around her while singing my part. "Youre Harry Freakin Potter! I wouldn't wince at all you're invincible to all harm" I circled her and I saw her foot move out and then the next moment I had landed flat on my face in the middle of the stage. The audience gasped. "Did anyone see that! She tripped me right on stage!" I thought angrily. The music kept going and Jaime had already started singing my part. I was actually greatful for this. I stood up as quickly as I could and sang with her.
I was really embarrassed but I tried to put on a smile. But I couldn't help but smile when it was Lucy turn to sing.. she was singing Darrens part and she really went for it. And I don't want to be mean, but she was bad.. like really bad. "I'm Harry Freakin Potter!" She screamed, her voice cracking drastically.  I began to feel bad for her. But I suppose Karma is a bitch.

At the end of the night we sat in the event room of the venue to get photos with some of the fans. I stood at the end of all us starkids for the photos. Two girls around my age got a photo and then came over to me.
"Listen I know we don't have time but we were at the front row and we saw that that girl tripped you and we just think is awful" one of them said.
"Youre like one of the most talented people here though so don't worry about her. She's the one that should be embarrassed to be honest" spoke the other.
"Keep moving" the person running the photographs shouted.
"Thank you girls so much" I said putting my arms around them "please tweet to me". They moved along and I couldn't help but grin.

That night I was lying down on our bed on my phone. The girls from earlier, whose names I discovered were Liz and Gabby, posted the photo of all of us. I liked and retweeted it.
Joey walked past the bed.
"Hey do you want to go down to the bar?" He asked.
"Yeah actually that sounds fun" I said standing up "throw me my jacket".
He picked up my jacket and threw it at me. We left the hotel room. He shut the door behind me and put his arm around my waist as we began walking down the hallway.
"So what did you think of th-" I was cut off by a door slamming down the hallway.
Lauren had ran out of her room and had tears falling down her face.
"Oh my gosh lauren are you okay?" I said pushing away from Joey and rushing toward her.
"No no.. I just mean.. I'm fine Ella" She said.
"Lauren you're clearly not fine. Come to my room we can talk there" I said.
"I'll go into Joe" Joey said. 

Lauren and I went back to my room and we sat down on the bed.
"What happened?" I asked.
"No it just me and Joe had another fight" She said.
"Lauren.. what about..?".
"Well I was giving out to him for leaving his stuff in a mess and then he started saying that I'm always nagging him and then it just escalated from there" She cried quickly.
"Oh Lauren it's okay" I said hugging her.
"Ella it was just so real.. I mean we fought before but it was never this serious" She cried.
"Its's okay. I know what will cheer you up" I said getting an idea. I picked up the hotel phone and dialed room service.
"Hello would I be able to get room service? Yeah could I get two chocolate fudge sundaes and a bottle of white wine to room 226 please? Yes thank you so much.. oh but bill it to room 228 please. They're our friends".
I hung up the phone.
"Who did you bill that to?" Lauren laughed still crying.
"Dylan and Jim" I laughed.

An hour or so later there was a knock at the hotel door. Lauren had fallen asleep. I stood up and opened the door. Joey was standing there.
"Hi" I said as I left the room and shutting the door behind me.
"Lauren fell asleep" I said.
"Should I stay with Joe then?" He asked.
"Yeah.." I said. "Well then" he said turning away.
"Jo I'm sorry" I said quickly.
"What for" he asked turning back around.
"Not spending a lot of time with you recently.. or I mean not as much time as I'd like to" I said.
"Don't be silly Ella, tomorrow night, in Houston we will do something special" he said putting his arms around me.
"I love you joey" I said.
"I love you more" he said kissing me.
"Have you been drinking?" He asked as we pulled away.
"A little" I said resting my head on his chest.
"Don't get too drunk" he said "and go to bed I don't want you to be tired".

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